Opinion Thread: The Fool (ToL)

A VI and a non-incompetent Fool are practically indistinguishable without wasting mechanical actions on a slot you should just end

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So BD are more likely to act scummy if they think that ppl will think they’re fool

So then you agree that the existence of Fool punishes people for actively scumreading if they, you know, use the tool that literally exists for the purpose of eliminating scummy players

Welcome in ToL :wave:

Both are important to consider

In ToL we really often read Fools correctly - as Fool.


God forbid we want our players to ever improve


looks at fool winrates

I’m really confused about what you are talking about

Fool is rewarding you for scumreading and good plays.
Lynching a Fool is never a good play.

BD almost never acts like “Fool so they won’t be exed”, that’s just … plain wrong

Fool discourages good scumreading. You have to WIFOM whether that MM claim was really MM or a Fool.

I have finals so I can’t finish this argument but Priestess is assuming a bunch of her conclusions in her premises

Someone who doesn’t have finals can feel free to elaborate on this

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We have time :wink: dont worry
Fool will stay a long time with us

Arete is assuming a bunch of their conclusions in their premises

I agree, but you were the one who made the argument that Fool was good because it discourages lynching scummy people who might be BD

When I get back I want an explanation of why Priestess is opposed to lynching scummy players and thinks that needs to be discouraged


Priestess outright said that

Therefore, scum cannot be scummy, therefore, all pro-town are actually scum.

Yes. Because I want SCUM to be exed, and not “punishing BD players for not playing exactly how you want them to play”

When you get back I am expecting answer to why you want to ruin people’s life

If the players you scumread are disproportionately BD then you’re bad at scumreading