Opinion Thread: The Fool (ToL)

but that was your point

Also delete pretender

Better yet, we do not need to exe scum either, if you can night kill most of the scum ourselves.

Fools wins.

We might as well just leave anyone who acts even slightly fool-y to the prince. What, we have 8 fools?

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Haha right.

Anyone who claims they are no fools but follow fools are foolish…


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I never said it strictly hurts BD, but it takes away their one guarenteed method of killing. Imagine if we allowed fools into mountainous games. It would be madness.

I know it shows ToL Fool, my opinion however:

FoL fool’s goal is to avoid having scum lynched yes, however it’s not impossible for Fool to win with BD.

Why should BD be forced to determine what kind of scum someone is? Scum mostly hurts BD, therefore they should be killed. If the BD can’t kill scum, they can’t win. If BD can kill scum, they might win.

I meant a ToL fool in Mountainous.

FoL fool can win with BD, yes, but it rarely happens because it’s more strictly Anti-BD.

Depends how the player in question is really making it difficult for BD, if not then what can they do?

Last I check, the fool has only one ability that can help BD and it has 1 use, they check alignment on one player and that’s about it.

Not true, they do things their way.

It’s wincon means that at most, the BD can lynch any non-BD 2 times

But that’s FoL.
In ToL, the apparent goal of the fool is to make players waste resources they could’ve used on actual scum, on a fool.

Do they still have the same goal as before by lynching themselves to win?


@JakeTheWolfie reminder that Fool has an extremely confirmable day ability, so it becomes quite hard to fake as evils and requires faking both Fool and Prince or BD King competently in most cases.

A confirmed fool is the last thing you want as fool

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I know its off-topic, but yes FoL Fool can completely side BD iirc

It can, but it usually can’t