Opinion Thread: The Fool (ToL)

Plus it reduces amount of people wich can side with evil

an outted fool is absolutely harmless except with their words and their votes

every other neutral is potentially detrimental to BD

i don’t think princes should execute fools in an unseen game unless the game is almost over and both starting unseen are dead, but even then i think its suboptimal

i don’t think princes should ever execute fools in a cult game

so then the right tactic is to not kill fool if Thats your opinion it still doesnt punish you for correct read

i don’t think this is my problem with fool though

my problem with fool stems from different factors

for one, being an outted, confirmed fool is pretty hard to pull off

If you are an outted Fool, you either can try to help evils subtely so they can help you winning
Or you go for neutral King

I mean, any NK can go “Pret here king me pls” And snatch the throne away. Or how about confirmed BD?

hold up

wait a second, what am i

and then side against BD

why ever vote in a fool king


I would rather put a Prince with 3 exes on the Throne than fool

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okay lets not get carried away

Fool King is not better or worse than other Neutral Kings
cough Pretender cough

dont get me STARTED on pretender


So, a Neutral king is evil?

Anyway, back on topic

in most cases, unless butlers exist to threaten them, yes. but generally neutral kings just try to end the game soon because that’s their new wincon (lategame this usually means kill BD)

and since a valid fool strategy is getting kinged when outted, i think it’s worth discussing

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If it becomes a valid strat for fool, it becomes a valid strat for any evil claiming to be fool.

part of the argument is “confirmed fool”

I mean, what is the difference between a fool and an (unknown) evil acting like fool?

In moat cases, why would a dool confirm themselves?

most of the time, few, but i feel like the latter is possible to scumread in mooost cases

well this is kind of my point to emilia earlier

being a confirmed fool isn’t easy to pull off on accident

id only do it on purpose if i knew evils could force a ML on me, or if it’s basically known and i wanna have more fun and maybe get neut king

Why is a fool a Mislynch? They are scum, they can win without BD, them winning hurts BD the most, etc.

I mean from a scum pov you want people who aren’t you lynched

But a fool exe doesn’t strictly hurt bd

I gotta sleep but I think a fool exe destroys cult (esp CL) and hurts poss really bad