Opinion Thread: The Fool (ToL)

Because the lynch is the only thing involving everybody in the decision-making of the village absolutely, and if it’s not useful then it’s entirely possible that even with 3 or 4 abilities, a person will be completely useless, or even -EV.

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Current meta is “it’s probably a fool, let prince”

yet guilt

And so the mechanics compound

which is a problem and why orange wants Fool gone because that’s really bullshit WIFOM where you delegate the one thing you always have control of to Literally Just Some Guy™ because it dosen’t fuck him up as much as it does you

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If you think it’s just a Newbie who plays badly, and not a Fool, then execute at daytime. That protects the Prince exes. Losing two trials is in my opinion less bad than losing Prince exe, at least when the Prince is a good player

Except having to make that decision in the first place is part of the problem


I’m saying if there was instead a reward for killing Fools at night instead of a punishment for killing them during the day, then it would still be bad to lynch a Fool (wasted lynch and lack of a reward), but it would make trials far more exciting since there would be an incentive to try and pardon fools, making things a lot more interesting

I’m saying we should at least give it a try and see if it makes things more exciting and interesting without sacrificing the alright bits about Fool.

also what the fuck
two lynches is literally 2 KP, a Prince exe is 1 KP

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Especially because it’s literally just WIFOM

We are hecking good in ToL in deducing if someone is a Fool or just a Newbie

Prince losing 2 exes is 2 kp

Because guilt.

Imagine if there were players who were - gasp! - neither

ignore me

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orange, you know that experienced mislynch bait isn’t really a thing in ToL

Yeah but bad players are

Bad players? Sure, they exist. Can happen.
I sometimes plead to be exed on stand instead of in jail, as BD.

As it should realistically be

Fool fucks with that

It’s always a bit sad if you lose your prince exe because of a bad player.
But for real, why do you care so much about it? It happens. The only way to change this is to change the playerbase.

Fool is part of what is holding them back which is literally my main issue and point