Opinion Thread: The Fool (ToL)

The meta is “if you think someone is evil, let him be checked, and then decide if you want to exe him or not” tbh

If executing Fool was a lost reward rather than a punishment I maintain it would create a much better dynamic for the game by making looking for Fool proactive instead of reactive.

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These hopefully still hold up?



And yeah I get that but dunno what that card would look like

I ignore salt arguments, sorry. “I feel bad because I exed a fool and now get punished for it” is not a good argument

Don’t remember seeing any of those in this thread

Sorry then I misunderstand your points made

If you point out what is confusing I can help clarify

The point orange is making is that the way people act around Fool has a knock-on effect that makes the act of killing people, objectively the most fun thing in Mafia, incredibly stressful.

Actually it’s not quite that

But isn’t that the point? We don’t want BD to random exe. We want them to think about it.

Have you ever seen how BDs would react in ToL if guilt was removed?

Wait… I remember… it was pretty horrible as the Fool had no trial penalty, wasn’t it that

Oh, what guilt did you mean…? I probably misunderstood you

It’s moreso that Fool reduces the need for bad players to play competently and also makes it riskier for BD to play competently

This adversely affects the way literally every single player learns to interact with your game and is a contributing factor to the lack of actual scumreading, as doing it correctly is punishable, as well as the lack of tactical plays by evils because they can always fall back on seeming a Fool in the worst case and survive to get off another conversion

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i mean there’s never been a version of ToL where Prince is guiltless, so how do you know it wouldn’t, say, have a brief spike of random exes but eventually improve people’s attitudes towards the game?

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I’m all for the long game

If a bad Prince executes 3 BD because of non-guilt, I quit the game

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Guilt is important to protect BD from bad princes O_o

Didn’t you say earlier that salt was’t a valid argument?

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