General thoughts I have about the first 150 posts.
Think Cryogenics and Student are villagery atm. Cryogenics because I liked their post 78 - felt like a pretty honest explanation of their mindset, and I can buy that post 84 was a real (tinfoil) thought from them in a way that I don’t think they think about if they’re a wolf. Been also liking that they’ve been using their vote actively for the past two hours to gain information as well.
With Student, I can buy their explanation with regards to reading the game setup incorrectly, and I’ve liked their responses to my questions (post 73; I think a wolf would be more likely to try and incriminate or shade someone here, but Student’s been pretty content to just float and not really lay into anyone atm). I share similar thoughts to them regarding everyone being ~somewhat villagery atm, so 102 was kind of a mindmeld. Again, I feel like a wolf in their position would feel some sort of pressure to deflect the early wagon on them to somewhere else (to appear to look like they’re wolfhunting), but Student’s been content to sit by and let the game breathe. I know that they’re saying I’m probably a wolf (and would like to hear the reasoning behind that) but I’m good with them for now, and I echo everyone who says that they’re ML bait.
I think Surveillance is still a villager, but their hyper-focus on me unnerves me, and them dismissing my questions as useless is annoying because I got a fair amount of insight from people’s answers to them.
Not really sure what to make of Scientist just ping-ponging their vote back and forth between Student and I, and I agree with Student as to wanting to know what “okay” means from Officer as I think I am a pretty polarizing figure at the moment.
Trapsetter - if you think I’m a wolf, why are you not voting for me?