Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

yeah it did but also. why didn’t you read pregame? you had a ton of time for it.

it’s not like we can put them in thunderdomes because it’s flipless

I think I forgot to read the wincons section since I assumed it would have just worked like in a normal game.

@Student: Do you have any thoughts on the three people who voted you? (Cryogenics, Faciliator, Scientist)

And I guess Surveillance isn’t voting you, but they’ve interrogated you the most out of everyone thus far.

get used to interrogations while i’m alive.
woofs will have to kill me to silence me. fear the power of my voice.

Pretty sure this slot is just scum - completely avoids the


what thoughts can student possibly have on the people who voted them for such a minor reason?
this question feels like it’s being asked for the sake of being asked.

Oh I misread who said that lol

I thought student said it

this setup is really interesting because this is simultaneously true and false. we could all claim our actions all the time and we could not. there are benefits and drawbacks to both.

Hello there crewmates

Cryogenics and Scientist didn’t really comment on it other than placing a vote, which doesn’t say much for their alignment. Surveillance and Facilitator made some attempt to engage with me which is more likely to come from town, because wolves wouldn’t want to encourage me to talk myself out of the situation.

I think Surveillance has been pretty villagery from their backtrack too, I can see how they would have thought it was unnatural for me to know one part of the wincon and not the other (I explained how this happened, because I only read 1 of the alien’s winconditions after previously reading none)

You were so quick to jump to this conclusion that you didn’t even see who wrote the post.

Think that Cryogenics/Faciliator have posted enough content in-thread for Student to talk about them. Will concede the point that Scientist hasn’t really posted enough yet, so you have me there.

Well, I did actually have some thoughts on a couple people. I don’t think Teleporter asking this question means much for their alignment though.

I’m back rq

this post was disgusting

trapperman plz trap surv thanks

When I started to read the post, I thought it came from the perspective of student because it talked about how you better get used to interrogations as long as I’m alive, which felt weird, which is why I jumped on it. You are completely right about that, though that’s not really scummy, just indicative of my mind to fill in gaps of information using posts

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over the course of the game I will come up with annoying yet mildly endearing nicknames for all of you

I expect scum to kill me for it
