Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

is it really backreading if one never read it in the first place?

I’m not hanging this slot ever

either way, i think it’s towny because you could just keep coasting without reading if you were mafia.

why does that post from student make you townread them so hard?

and yes, i do know i towncored them myself, but i can’t look at the situation and be like “yeah, wolves not killing last night and both flips being town is totally not suspicious.” from your perspective, student should be a wolf if you believe cryogenics’ claim of blocking him. security is ~always town here, as i described earlier.

your townread on student seems incogruent with what you should be thinking if you’re town.
though to be fair, if you really haven’t read the game at all, i’m willing to cut you some slack for this.

Teleporter has a stiff posting style, and the “feel like they want to die on the inside” turn of phrase illustrates it perfectly. Seems like a genuine read, and I already leaned town from the derptelling explanation early game.

with teleporter not acting last night (according to their claim), and facilitator being on trapsetter (confirmed by me), the only explanation for the missing nightkill is that cryogenics blocked student, the odd night wolf kp, and that’s why there was no kill.

you could argue the wolves holstered, but i don’t see why they would want to do that unless they intended to frame student. i’m not sure how big of a value framing student would have. probably lower than killing someone, especially since security was already helping them by blasting into the towncore.

you could argue security’s a wolf, but i’ve already made my argument explaining why the slot should be town here. and i have every reason to wolfread them, considering i deem their shot horrendous. but i can’t. not under these circumstances.

the third thing you could argue is that cryogenics blocked someone other than the person they claimed.

i guess you could also claim they tried to kill trapsetter, except i would know this. facilitator was the only player to visit trapsetter, and trapsetter’s alive, so that didn’t happen.

yeah idk the night action stuff yet.

do you think it’s worth it?

no, and I thought alien didn’t get a kill n1 since they killed the captain, or did I miss the point of that text entirely?

there’s one alien that can’t kill n1, but the other can. neither alien can kill consecutively, so they are effectively odd night and even night vigs.

I knew that but for some reason internalized the captain killing thing for both which was stupid.

I’m at post 1040 and I just can’t go on any more. All of the people I hate are off the comms wagon which is frustrating.

to be fair, i think there’s a non-zero chance the wagons were v/v.

tell me where your head’s at?

I find one of Scientist/tele is a bad guy (probably the former)
Security seems wolfy, but pushing on a vig without full night action understanding is barf
Facil never pinged me as town like the others
But my mafia flowchart wants me to lynch on wagon since we have a green flip at the front of it surely there is an alien vote in the middle of it.

And student is guiltied right?


Student is guiltied unless the factional was targeting Student which doesn’t make sense since the jail on student was announced right at EoD. Meaning student is just exactly the scum who can kill n1 more than likely

The watch on the facilitator target is probably why they aren’t posting and are treating it like a guilty, there’s no other option for why a kill wouldn’t go through unless the wolves also killed eaves last night

Since there is no scum chat, exactly 1 alien can kill n1

It’s so the two can alternate without having a scum chat

Comms could have also been that alien If exactly coroner is mafia or traitor too