Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

/vote student

do you think comms was an alien?

Or was likely to be one

Not sure
When I saw they were executed last night I didn’t pay them too much attention

At a glance not really, I’m not really good at evaluating people with so few posts though. I don’t blame the wagon on him regardless of what alignment he ends up being

If town there is probably a wolf on the wagon though, low posters are really easy to ML

You all killed the only other person suspecting eaves :pensive:

Well if comms is town I at least gave him what he wanted

If student is a hit cryo and tele are town

unless cryo trumps teleporter, in which case ignore


Player Voted by Votes
Student Security, Surveillance, Facilitator, Coroner 4/6
Teleporter Officer 2/6
Security Teleporter 1/6
Not Voting Trapsetter, Student, Cryogenics, Scientist 4

With 10 players alive, it takes 6 to reach majority.

cryo yes, tele idk.
technically cryo could be a wolf following consensus, but i feel like they’d be able to avoid bussing if they could.

oh yeah, you mean tele holstering.
to be fair switching the cryo target would’ve been super suspicious.

if student is a wolf, security’s just town. in a security/student team, with student being odd night kp, security has absolutely no reason to claim the shot on eavesdropper. we’d already assumed the shot was from the aliens. security can just claim they holstered and it doesn’t out them in any way, since i’d already claimed to have watched trapsetter, not eavesdropper. (and i tmid myself as not being on eavesdropper at SoD, which wolf!security likely would’ve noticed)

claiming they holstered prevents us from realizing that jailing student stopped wolf kp and thus prevents student from being an outed wolf today. sure, security could just bus here instead and try to solo wolf, but eh. i don’t find that too likely. there are only two wolves in this game, and bussing seems super suboptimal for that reason.

you could argue claiming a holster might out security later, when we ask them to shoot someone and that person doesn’t die. however, in that world, they could always claim their target was protected by facilitator or cryogenics, that they were blocked by cryogenics, that a teleporter swap happened, anything. there are ways for him to defend himself later in the game.

also, student was in the towncore, and security was not. bussing someone in the towncore when you’re not in the towncore is really dumb, and we’re playing an invitational game. sure, it’s possible security’s main has a bussing meta, but even then, i don’t find it likely they would bus student like this. it simply doesn’t make sense to do this.

yet another point in security’s favor if student is a wolf. and the more student refuses to talk in the thread after being quite active yesterday, the more i think they are just outed and i’m right.

i would also like to point out that officer could quickhammer right now if they wanted to, and they could’ve done it for a few hours now, but they aren’t doing so. mild v points regardless of student’s alignment.

inb4 officer gets in here and quickhammers now that i said this.
i don’t think it’s a bad idea, though? i mean, not right now, but if student continues not to show up for the next few hours. i’m going to treat that as openwolfing, because if student’s a villager being mistakenly pushed, now is the time for them to try and stop it. and now is the time for them to provide an alternate explanation for wolves not killing anyone, other than “i was framed by a wolf holster” which seems really pointless to me.

actually, there’s one explanation for missing wolf kp, and that would be if comm/coroner is exactly the team, with comm being odd night kp and coroner being even night kp. that would make perfect sense, and it would also make sense for coroner to claim comm was town - it frames student.

for that reason, i think it’s a good idea to kill coroner even if we kill student, just to prove or disprove that. i wouldn’t hate killing them first either, but i townread them and i think student’s nonexistence this entire day phase is a terrible look.

eaves is almost always town. they topposted yesterday, were villagery, and can only be even night kp. otherwise, we would’ve seen two kills last night.

in theory, it’s possible they are exactly even night kp, i guess. but you seem to have irrational confidence in it. is there literally any reason you think they were mafia other than “validating your shot target?”

to stroke your ego, i will at least tell you that your shot cleared up the game a lot.

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i guess it’s possible eaves was sympathizer, but again, we have no proof.