Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

going to look at teleporter like I promised yesterday

fair point.

yeah, please. i feel like i need another pair of eyes on the slot.

there’s also the fact there aren’t many other explanations that don’t involve student being odd night kp.

Don’t forget wolves and security could have both killed eaves.

i already made my argument about why that was super unlikely.


actually no. the argument only works one way, as in, makes security likely town. it doesn’t make crosskills impossible unless i forgot about something.

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Hmm okay

I must’ve missed that

nice crosspost.

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i almost feel like wolves wouldn’t have killed in towncore with security town, because security was very obviously going to shoot a townread player.
but at the same time, shooting in poe is generally bad for them. right?

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I think it’s unlikely to have happened on N1, but on N3 it becomes much more viable because we have less margin for error

Townread includes deep wolves right

if wolves are deep then they have extra reasons not to kill in towncore. they want to keep it intact because they’re in it. they’d be boxing themselves in by killing there.

idk if i’m thinking about this wrong.

i do still think it’s just student though, at least right now. i find the possibility of crosskilling pretty darn unlikely just by sheer math.


Plus I once played a game where my scumteam and I didn’t rb the vig because we thought they would shoot town

As it turned out the vig shot our rber instead

Point being that scum relying on vig taking a bad shot is risky so they may not have wanted to risk it

I think it’s less likely, especially since student disappeared on us, but not something we can rule out just yet

I just remembered scum can still use their nk the day after if they holster

Food for thought

yeah, you’re right. it is a possibility. i backread my own posts because i thought i talked about it earlier but apparently i didn’t take it into account while expressing my train of thought.

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i forget things sometimes.

Wait say that again