Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

I blanked out and didnt catch what you said

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i think you’re joking, but in case you’re not joking.

i somehow didn’t take crosskilling into account. i just said that with wolf!security we’d see something else but that doesn’t automatically mean town!security couldn’t have crosskilled with wolf odd night kp.

Okay so, I didn’t look closely at teleporter’s posts, I looked closely at who he has been defending all game and who he has been pushing all game in order to see what he has been doing this game, and I have come to the conclusion that teleporter’s gameplay this game doesn’t really make much sense unless facilitator is a wolf.

One thing to note about this setup is that it’s heavily town sided with certain roles being alive. As long as there is a lot of protectives alive, scum will be forced to kill in the POE which could ruin their chances of winning. Teleporter spent a huge amount of time D1 defending a town protective who was also in the POE; This play makes little sense for wolf teleporter to do if they want to actually win the game UNLESS facilitator is a wolf because the more town protectives that are alive, the worse scum chances are, so trying to defend a town protective who is in the POE is basically suicidal.

You may argue this is wifom, but I think wolves seriously needed to consider who they should push based on who is in the POE and what roles are in the POE. They shouldn’t be trying to remove helpful roles such as facilitator from the POE.

there’s actually also something i wanted to say.
wolves can’t coordinate night actions. at all. they don’t see what the other is doing and they can’t talk to each other outside of the main thread. they’d have to use some elaborate form of signaling in the main thread to get something done, or the role of communications, who was the day 1 yeet and never got to use it.
that means any world where we’re assuming a big-brain mech plan from wolves likely isn’t going to be real.

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Hi all, I’ll be catching up on what I missed last night in a bit.

the protective is only 2-shot, so i feel like you’re overvaluing their town version. it’s possible to just dodge its first two shots (especially since the first one was leashed by the main thread) and then push it.

i don’t think teleporter couldn’t have done that, especially since with the n1 eavesdropper kill they can just mess around redirecting that heal of theirs away from nightkill targets.

Teleporter also seems to be the type of wolf to consider things like this when deciding who to push and who to defend so I think this is a good argument for “either facilitator and teleporter are w/w or teleporter is a v”

I did not consider that

scratch everything I said

back to the drawing board on how to handle teleporter’s alignment

it’s only 2-shot and we leashed it on day 1. realistically, we made it useless because facilitator was wolfy.

cryo, if you think I’m town for defending facilitator, then what do you think about scientist whose only real stance day 1 if I recall was to also heavily townread/defend facilitator?

I’m not really ready to kill student when wolves and eaves could have cross-killed.

I only decided to try to read you this way because I thought based off how you were playing this game currently, that if you were a wolf you would be considering such mechanical things when you decide to push/defend slots. I’m not sure the same applies to scientist.

wolves and security that is.

fair, okay.

I’ll talk more about student soon after I’m done with my morning duties. One thing I’m interested about the case on them though is that it’s nearly purely mechanical - no one is bringing up their behavior at all, besides the fact that they haven’t posted in the past 18 hours or so.

The only thing that struck me as off about student yesterday was that they were very keen on discouraging people on villareading the Poe slots (Fav, Comms) as well as they basically started the Comms wagon by themselves. So I guess that’s food for thought.

Brb though.

I do appreciate the fact that forums just don’t work as soon as I plan on focusing on this game

Teleporter, you are the hardest type of player for me to read, which is another reason I wanted to ignore you yesterday. The reason you are so difficult is because all of your thoughts are natural and I can see how you came up with them, however, there’s nothing that leads me to believe that you can’t come up with these thoughts as a wolf. Which means I have to come up with a different way to read you, such as the thing that I tried to do moments ago, or comparing your reads to mine and seeing where they differ, and if you are scumreading slots that shouldn’t be scumread even though your explanation for the scumread makes sense. Speaking of which, where is your head at for reads this game? Who do you think the wolves are in right now?

personally I’m waiting to see what student says tbh

Yeah thats roughly where i am