Orangevitational - Aliens Win!


Player Voted by Votes
Student Security, Surveillance, Facilitator, Coroner 4/6
Teleporter Officer 2/6
Not Voting Trapsetter, Student, Cryogenics, Scientist, Teleporter 5

With 10 players alive, it takes 6 to reach majority.

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I do not appreciate the fact that people saying Security’s play on both days is likely to come from town when I have explained why it is in fact more likely to be the opposite.

I’m gonna spend some time today working on a general gamestate summation post.

No promises on when it’ll be out but I do request that people don’t hammer in the next 24 hours or so.

I’m so confused with this game lmao.

so basically if i assume student’s v because his posts are good then we’re just going to wagon facilitator again at this rate.


to prevent officer from getting any funny ideas.



Player Voted by Votes
Student Security, Facilitator, Coroner 3/6
Teleporter Officer 2/6
Not Voting Trapsetter, Student, Cryogenics, Scientist, Teleporter, Surveillance 6

With 10 players alive, it takes 6 to reach majority.

I’m going to check what facilitator has done today

Well, they would have not healed but. Yeah

Killing Coroner is probably not suboptimal, since from my PoV it either outright ends the game if they were lying about Communications being town (thus making them both wolves) or it proves Security is either a wolf or scientist/facilitator, both people not paying attention to the game.

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real answer:

  • scientist might want to check coroner
  • the n1 might die and we would like to know their alignment for the parity check wouldn’t we

this is true, i talked about this earlier.

how does flipping coroner prove that security’s a wolf?

I kinda want to see who just sheeped the Student case without adding much critical thought to the wagon.

I don’t want to work in worlds where the game would end soon because IMO they’re not worth considering. I want to plan for the worst-case scenario always. If the game ends randomly, then that’s a pleasant surprise.

If I were the N1 attacker, I would have either used my positioning in thread to propose a different jailkeep target or at least come into some day with a plan with my teammate (if the other wolf is still alive). I think it’s pretty unreasonable to assume I would have just sat waiting to be outted like this?

From my PoV, Coroner or Security has to be a wolf unless wolves aren’t paying attention and factionaled me.

i don’t really understand, still.

okay. Student is swaying me. Atm I’d like to yeet in Coroner/Tele/Faci

Does this explain it?

that’s the biggest thing pointing in your favor, i just figured you were probably a wolf by mechanics and ignored that. i’ve been burned on neglecting mechanics completely before.

oh, okay, i get it now.