Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

Yeah basically. Youve covered it, I don’t have anything new to add

I haven’t finished backreading yet, but from what I gathered Security claims to have shot Eavesdropper, which if he’s telling the truth means scum failed the factional. Scum not succeeding with the factional means either Communications was the wolf who attacks on N1 and Coroner is his teammate who is lying to cover for it, or it means that Security is a wolf who holstered and factionaled Eavesdropper.

Alternatively (this is the least likely) mafia are paying zero attention and tried to factional me even though it was announced I was being protected.

All three of these outcomes indicate that the wolves are in LHF/people not paying attention, so I’m pretty happy with retaining my current towncore.

i said you weren’t supposed to read that!!!


Well, actually. A thought did cross my mind about a db third possibility but it’s extremely stupid and probably not the case

oh, hi.
the thing is, security holstering doesn’t make much sense to me and i talked about it earlier. do you think security could be a wolf despite that, or did you not read the post?

I was just about to point this out lmao

I guess Student is here now though.

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Oh hello lol

No one should be reading me for inactivity as I made it clear this would be the case yesterday. I also think it’s egregious to drop all social credit from my slot for purely mechanical reasons.

@orangeandblack5 can we have a VC itt

Well maybe it’s comms coroner. I’d feel much better about d1 then.

It makes perfect sense, actually. It frames me and in the process they get out of having to use their shot for the village since as far as we’re concerned it’s already been used.

After seeing Student’s post where they said that they were gonna be gone for the first 24 hours of Day 2, I don’t think that part of Surv’s case holds up.

that actually does make sense.

i forgot about that.

The dumb third possibility is

probably not worth considering but

coroner is the odd night killer and didn’t understand he had to take the first night kill.

but scum likely pay attention to that and he admitted he didn’t. I also hadn’t fully grasped it until today either so.

Even if the actual scenario is that wolves forgot I was being protected and tried to attack me, this still indicates people not paying attention like security/coroner/scientist/facilitator. I’m pretty confident from this and social reading yesterday that this grouping contains all of the wolves.

if we’re not killing student then i’d kill coroner, but killing coroner is suboptimal before we get scientist’s check. and killing scientist is also suboptimal before we get the check.

facilitator is still an option, i guess. they could’ve healed and killed eavesdropper, and i would’ve only seen the healing part. they also encouraged me a fair bit on the student thing, which isn’t that great of a look if student is v.

why exactly?

How is killing coroner suboptimal before we get the scientist checked? Scientist parity checked security m