Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

That’s not so much as resource allotting you a safer check as it is coincidental tbh

The problem is they could just as plausibly be sympathizer.

Wait, Security had the same thought as me? Hmm… Is this villagery?

Yeah I… actually think this is the most likely outcome. The nightkill was always going on Eavesdropper or Cryo, and wolves probably thought Surveillance would have been on Cryo.

That’s not really my argument, but I’m not really going to contend this point since I think vig and wolves probably crosskilled.

If Cryogenics wasn’t already obviously town, this should seal the deal.

The more I think about it, the more I realize that there’s just too many possibilities to consider in order to effectively mechsolve this.

  1. I’m an alien and the kill was prevented (I’m listing this here for your convenience even though I know it not to be true)
  2. Coroner is an alien/sympathizer and communications was the other alien who attacks N1
  3. Security holstered their shot and factionaled Eavesdropper (I explained why this makes perfect sense since he can claim to have lost his shot and therefore not be forced to use it for village)
  4. Wolves were not paying attention and factionaled me
  5. Security and wolves crosskilled

If number 5 wasn’t a possibility, trying to mechsolve this might have been worth it, but its existence means that any PoE of players not paying attention + me is invalid.

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Going to be honest, I expect the check between me and security to be compatible. I just really don’t think the way they were bullheaded about this game comes from someone who isn’t the same alignment as me. On the off chance they aren’t though, I’m not really sure what I would do. I know I said that I would not use the check as mechanical evidence, but that was from the point of view of having to go through 2 people before getting to the third. Since I know my alignment, and I’m pretty obviously town to everyone in this game, we would only have to go through 2 if scientist is lying. That’s going to be headache.

not to mention

sympathizer doesn’t show as alien, it just shows as not alien to coroner

so it’s a sticky situation

probably just going to ignore it at the start and watch how other people react to it even though I’m one part of the check

since that just seems the easiest to me

Wait am I supposed to check cryo

That makes more sense

At first this setup seemed village sided because it’s pretty easy for us to leash wolf actions. But then you realize that if Sympathizer rands a role that can interfere with our actions then it’s going to be a nightmare because they are also pretty hard to find socially due to lacking TMI.

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bathroom thoughts are the best thoughts

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Something pinged me about the surv/student interaction some posts back (around 1670)

Not going to investigate it now since they’re not poe (plus I’m definitely getting voted out before they are), but putting this here for later

If I’m supposed to be even night alien lying about comms, can’t I just be blocked tonight?

My concern is the poe being wrong. And it’s not just because I’m in it, but no one in the poe voted comms.

No, because you can be sympathizer.

I would say that whoever said Coroner may be a wolf who thought they couldn’t kill N1 may have been onto something, but this would require that they didn’t read their rolecard…
Which is why, simply put, this sequence is probably villagery since that’s pretty unlikely. It doesn’t make them any less likely to be the Sympathizer though.

How much time do we want to spend today? I don’t want to spend too much time for fear of running out of time later in the game.

If we’re checking cryo against me and not officer tomorrow we have to choose whether we kill officer or accept losing the game to wolf him if we haven’t removed a wolf yet

That actually is a pretty good point, and it brings up a memory I have of how the Officer role typically was treated in setups like this. From what I remember, In regicide 1 or 2 not sure which, there was a double voter there as well, and I think they both agreed to execute the Officer role regardless of reads a day before scum would receive majority with the Officer role around regardless of their reads. I’m not really sure if that’s the best plan here though and I’m not even certain if the math works out