Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

Ya i didn’t realize eaves was top posting too. I think someone said that today.


Also, yes, that was a joke lol

If I were serious I would literally just scroll up xD

Mmm good point.

There’s a fourth possibility, which is that wolves and vig shot the same person, which isnt necessarily indicative of people paying attention.


Hang on

Don’t you try to throw me under the bus here

Read my ISO - I pointed out that we shouldn’t ignore the possibility of cross killing. I said I’d be willing to push if he kept ghosting the thread, but don’t try to say I was ‘encouraging you a fair bit’.

You’re assuming that the wolves and vig didn’t crosskill. In which case they succeeded with the factional and your poe goes out the window.

I also gotta say that I’m getting annoyed that you keep saying I’m not paying attention. If I were wolf I would have ISOd every protective to figure out who they were on. But because my slot was leashed I didn’t bother.

thank you

Someone mentioned this previously, but has anyone actually looked for scum signaling itt? I have tried but I couldn’t really find any, which means I haven’t looked hard enough or scum don’t care enough to try to signal each other itt

as soon as I say that lmao

come on dude I’ve literally read the whole game

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If its surv/me as w/w I would’ve just let him bus me and take the towncred

He’s way deep in the towncore

That’s a fair point I guess

“Killing in the poe proves it’s someone else in the poe”

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I gtg for a bit

Which is probably for the better so I can calm down

can Teleporter be blocked so my check isn’t fucked with

the only thing I noticed was surv’s not sympathizing comment you pointed out forever ago. Doubt its real

That leaves us with a protective blind spot, so unfortunely I don’t think it’s possible.

who do we need it on that’s more important than getting my check through

trap could prolly target me actually

Trap needs protection.

This is my philosophy this game, and I’m sure that many other people in this game also share the same philosophy. There is no single person who is important enough that upon rand, we dedicate our resources into protecting that slot. We need to dedicate our resources into protecting slots we trust and are important. I do not trust you this game because I don’t have a good reason to town read you. You are an important role, but because I cannot trust you, I do not think you are important enough that we pour all of our resources into guaranteeing your check. If you are scum, you can cause us to mislynch a total of two people before you are outter by the coroner, which is pretty unacceptable. In other words, your checks are unnecessary from my point of view to win this game and are only to be used to support social information, and or to gather reactions from how people react to your checks. I’m sorry, but that’s how I view this game and your role.

That doesn’t mean I will ignore your checks by the way, I will watch how people react to your checks, who they push out of the two checks, and if anyone tries to throw shade your way in order to gauge people’s alignments. However, I will not blindly trust your word and execute two people in a row based on your word alone - I will only execute them if I gauge their reaction to be pretty scummy.

Actually, bathroom thought, if you don’t want your action to be messed with by teleporter, you could check me. Surveillance should be watching me as well and can see if teleporter visits

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Player Voted by Votes
Coroner Officer 2/6
Student Security, 1/6
Not Voting Trapsetter, Student, Cryogenics, Scientist, Teleporter, Surveillance, Coroner, Facilitator, 8

With 10 players alive, it takes 6 to reach majority.

I mean Teleporter redirect me to someone I didn’t target

That could only happen by swapping me and someone else. If surv also watches me, he will see both you and teleporter visit