Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

I’m much better at mech stuff than wolfhunting (and there’s actually mech stuff to talk about :eyes:) which is why I haven’t done much wolfhunting recently

Funnily enough I do think this makes tele and fac compatible but I’ve felt a little better about both of them recently (though a large part of that is just lazy optimism about coroner)

I will try to scumhunt more, though

I’ve just been a bit out of it lately (this is unrelated to the drugs, thank you for asking) and haven’t had much time to really dive deep into ISOs

I think every mafia game I play is going to be difficult, hence why I put in max effort at all times.

I like your reaction here though. Don’t think a wolf’s first line of thinking is “I hope coroner is scum and I don’t have to think”

OK. It’s just that I feel my villa read on you is hanging by one precarious thread and your day 2 play hasn’t really inspired me tbh.

If the game really does end with the Coroner flip I’ll feel incredibly foolish but also a little happy.

Bizarre to only play a mafia game that lasts max 5 days if that were the case.

I’m not counting my chickens though.

Yea i dont think i’ll have time for full readthrough again. Coroner is exactly PoE, i’d like to kill them over any in Cryo/Surv/Teleporter/Student/Security/Scientist.

Facilitator and coroner are who I have my eyes on the hardest. Officer kinda uninspiring but tbh is better than the other 2.

Sorry I can’t be townleader

“D3”+ i’ll have full commit to this game.

I want to kill coroner today personally to rule out them and communications both being wolves, and also because I trust student really hard atm and think that them having coroner role just makes it better in the future.

Trap, can you talk a little about why you were villareading Scientist? I saw the posts where you TR’d him but I don’t understand the reasoning.

Thats about all you get from me for now, will come back in like 8ish 9ish hours with some stuff.

I think their read on you is villagery asf albiet wrong FMPoV and they’ve shown moments of genuine annoyance of being read as mafia in an unfair way in a way I simply don’t think mafia would because any read on mafia is automatically not “wrong”. Its not CFTWR because it’s not defending themselves as a whole, its annoyance at specific points that i think is just from town.

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/vote coroner

dropping this if y’all wanna hammer while im off
im genuinely dipping now bye


Player Voted by Votes
Coroner Officer, Security, Trapsetter 4/6
NoLynch Cryogenics 1/6
Not Voting Student, Scientist, Teleporter, Surveillance, Facilitator, Coroner 6

With 10 players alive, it takes 6 to reach majority.

I’m fine with hammering Coroner whenever if we want to save time.

I’m not convinced that they’ll flip wolf, but them going “I’m gonna clear Student for having the same thoughts as I do” to voting them 20 posts later is not a great look.

I guess before we hammer we should figure out mechanical plans for tonight.

What are we all doing?

Student is backing up coroner or eaves, facilitator is protecting scientist

I think every other action being wifom is fine

I don’t know any other ways to optimize the rest of the actions in a way that can benefit us without giving scum too much information

i think that’s easily faked tbh.

that’s somewhat uncharitable, because that’s not what i said.

ah yes, i pushed someone, i must have agenda.
i mean, i kinda get it from your perspective, but also this is veiled omgus, sorry!

i… didn’t? i only really thought about it after someone directly pointed it out to me. i think my posting today makes it very clear i ‘stumbled upon it’ sometime during the day.

my only thought here is ‘sure, we can kill facilitator.’

haha symp


i get that, but if coroner’s a villager, that’ll be the second villager i tried to defend who’s going to end up getting flipped.

and yes i know i said earlier today at various points that coroner was a fine kill. that said, i think their latest posting was… villagery, to an extent.

if the game ends then i guess i’m a clown.

i don’t think i should claim my visit in advance.

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i feel like this is another situation where i have a village read on the top wagon for their posting today and some micro things yesterday (mentioned it already), but it may or may not be for bad reasons and i don’t want to defend a wolf.

but at the same time i don’t want a repeat of day 1 if coroner didn’t lie about that flip.

would honestly rather go facilitator over this on a gut level.