Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

i think student’s posting today has been very good - again - after they returned to the thread. i’m starting to fear getting pocketed, though. and yes, i know this makes no sense because they literally said “if there’s a wolf in the towncore it’s surv,” but this is more about the way they’re posting and how it appeals to me specifically on a structural and behavioral level. i know this is vague, again, but. yeah!

i actually find myself agreeing with teleporter, weirdly enough; i think the likeliest wolf in towncore would have to be student. i have no issues with cryogenics or even trapsetter today. yes, trapsetter stepped back, but i don’t think it has a wolf motivation behind it whatsoever. the way they did it, anyway.

i still have a townread on officer and… look, i’m reading everything teleporter’s been saying about the slot, but i simply still don’t see it being a wolf. i just think it’s town regardless of what teleporter’s pointed out. some villagers simply like to sheep the consensus if they think it’s good, and it’s possible the consensus is good. while i’d rather have him express independent thought, i can’t wolfread him in good faith for this. especially since many other slots who aren’t being good villagers do exist.

and yes, part of that is mechanical, but also social. i feel like they’re a super clever player, i meant my earlier comment 100%. but i also think they could be a clever wolf who planned for this.

i think teleporter’s readpost was very good and maybe they’re just a villager after all.

at this point my reads look like this.





and killing scientist isn’t optimal so i’m over here like. “yeah we should maybe kill coroner, but also i feel like it might be a villager.” the fact coroner’s near the bottom tier on my readlist is because a lot of other players are villagerier, but that’s something of an illusion because i would personally want to kill in the bottom tier. facilitator’s posting today doesn’t feel better than it did yesterday and while they did like my posts i’m also like. “well if the push on student was wrong then uh.”

i know my initial accusation of them encouraging me to push student wasn’t entirely founded but yeah.

maybe i should put teleporter over student, but also, i’m not killing in that group today anyway, so who cares.

/vote facilitator

how about we do this instead?
i think i called them town today at some point, but them genuinely healing trapsetter doesn’t mean they couldn’t have factionaled someone else at the same time.

i would also like to highlight that while wolves and town!security could have crosskilled, student isn’t in the clear yet. refer to my argument for it earlier in the day. it’s still a possibility.

security could be exactly odd night kp who holstered (and that’s why we only have 1 kp), that’s also something that could be the case and i understand thinking that.

Even if facilitator is scum we can force them to keep scientist alive so we get their check, I think it’s mechanically suboptimal


Player Voted by Votes
Coroner Officer, Security, Trapsetter 4/6
No Lynch Cryogenics 1/6
Facilitator Surveillance 1/6
Not Voting Student, Scientist, Teleporter, Facilitator, Coroner 5

With 10 players alive, it takes 6 to reach majority.

why is every push i make mechanically suboptimal
i guess finding wolves is mechanically suboptimal.

I’m assuming you meant “townread” here, otherwise this makes no sense. Regardless, I thought the slots were wolfy so of course I would try to keep them in the PoE.

Officer dropping his thought that I was probably a wolf immediately after I came into the thread looks pretty bad, because unlike Surveillance’s turn around I at least had to comvince them. When Officer backtracked all I had really done was enter the thread. It feels like they might have been scared to push me, which is wolf indicative.

Like, this feels more genuine to me.

What wagon are you talking about, I don’t recall voting this phase?

Having said that…
/vote Coroner

Oh crap, that’s L-1.

hammering might not be a terrible idea here. i feel like i can’t do anything about this anyway.

They are both easily village and I explained

Why they were??

that’s completely different

what you are saying - wolfy

what facilitator is saying - towny

I haven’t seen a scumcase on facilitator since I asked like 2 days ago besides “they aren’t paying attention”

i don’t have reasons to villaread them compared to other players, that’s essentially what it is.

i’ve townread like everyone in this game at some point except for them i think.

This makes sense but why do you townread officer on top of it

i like their posts.
also a few micro v pings.

i’m not going to pretend the read has more substance than that.
