Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

With that being said, (I have said with that being said 3 times now LMAO), it would be a lot easier @Coroner to not want to execute you if you would actually do stuff. Please do stuff, this is a flipless game, we need your input on stuff to read you so we don’t lose

You don’t even need to read the full game, just choose a couple people to ISO and give us your thoughts on them! Just doing that would be a major help in figuring out your slot without doing a lot of guess work

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I won’t deny that most of what I’ve been saying has been objective and stilted, but I literally have very little to contribute at this point.

I’m not good at mechanics stuff and I want to hold off on my thoughts on people until after everyone (Security/Surv) have outed their mech info.

I’m also bad at mech stuff and don’t have much to contribute but I’m not pretending I do

Something I been mulling over my mind is who the fuck surveillance targeted last night that made them say they were stupid, I highly doubt that they are actually incompetent and I’m very interested in who they actually choose because I feel like that would influence my read in some way, (namely, they choose a bad person to watch)

Luckily I don’t even have a night action to be dumb and use suboptimally


We’ll find out

I assume it wasn’t eaves otherwise he’d have outed that info regardless of who had already posted

I’m here in the thread and want to post more lol. You’re saying that being around to offer stilted/objective thoughts as opposed to not is wolfy?

Officer posts here on a surface skim feel very natural and townie; Like they said themselves, it feels like they are being themselves without caring about their appearances (they aren’t pretending to do anything is what I’m referring to)

Possibly, yeah

I know I said we should give coroner time, and I still think that, I’m only saying this thought because I actually had this thought during the night phase and I think it’s decent enough to say out loud, the game has shifted opinions on several people very quickly when some person suggests a controversial opinion, such as student being town or Officer not being townie as they seem; however, the thread barely reacted when I shifted my sights onto coroner, which could mean something

esp since they are an easy slot to execute if they are town

Literally just shaking my head right now.

Not sure if what Officer is doing is an attempt to figure me out, an attempt to shade me, or them putting out feelers to see who would agree with them.

Coroner literally had 2 posts at the time, while everyone else you were mentioning had reams of posts. I think that’s a massive difference.

that’s a fair point

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I guess not “reams of posts” when Student was being pressured early, but there’s still a massive difference.

@Cryogenics - what is your read on me, and what do you think about Officer putting out feelers ITT to see who else is wolfreading me rn?

I’m fine waiting for Coroner to catch up and read the thread, but it’s still pretty horrible because since they skipped the entirety of Day 1 they will always be a PoE slot.

If they continue to underperform then I can’t really justify not executing them though, or asking Security to vig them if they haven’t used their shot or something.

I’m going to need more time to answer what my read on you is right now. I’m not really sure, like, I had reads on you previously, but I’m not really sure right now. I’m not in a state of mind to look very deep into posts right now, which is evident by the fact that I’m spewing whatever is on my mind right now into the thread, so ask me tomorrow.

I would say that putting feelers into the thread is usually scummy, as I have done them in the past. However, whenever I have been scum and have done this, very rarely have I had actual reason behind these suspicions and am doing this just to see who would jump on them. Officer seems to have an actual reason for suspecting you as evident by post 1297

I think I’ve kind of figured out a way to force scum to kill in PoE but I’m not 100% certain.

This is also coming from someone squarely in PoE so take it with a grain of salt.



Me on Trap
Trap on Surv
Surv on Cryo
Cryo on Student
Student does nothing

Potential NK targets:



I think it works but your poe may look much different from mine so take it as you will

Okay, I’ll ask you tomorrow. Was just interested because we were both posting together but you were mainly fixated on Coroner.

Officer put out feelers before I asked them to actually engage with me. If he shaded me for no reason then I would just incinerate him.

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all of the above?
I had a bad feeling about you and started to sort out why that was, and also want to see if anyone else agrees