Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

okay, i don’t think holding this is going to be of huge benefit so i’m just going to out it.

i watched trapsetter last night, the only player to visit them was facilitator. the reason i called myself stupid was that i tmi-ed myself not visiting eavesdropper literally at this start of day and it’s more than likely any wolf who noticed this (if there were any among the early day posters) realized that.

i watched trapsetter because he seemed like a likely kill target. and yes, facilitator was supposed to heal trapsetter, but i also felt like wolves could’ve meddled with this, or facilitator could just be a wolf and lie. honestly if not trapsetter i probably would’ve gone on cryogenics, so that wouldn’t have allowed me to see the nightkill either. eavesdropper really only picked up late day 1 and wasn’t that townread earlier on, so the nightkill wasn’t entirely expected to me.

there’s also the fact i’ve been consistently putting trapsetter at the very top of my readlists and in case i somehow died (like cryogenics being a wolf blocking trapsetter or some stuff like that), i wanted it to be somewhat obvious who i targeted. maybe it’s not that high-value for you to know who i targeted if i die, but still.

also, re: eavesdropper, i also thought teleporter would act last night - considering it’s more than likely they are killed before they can clear themselves if v. they promised to clear themselves later in the game. killing them early on seems somewhat beneficial to the wolves?

teleporter not acting last night is actually surprising to me because i really thought they would.

I think this makes sense

also, facilitator’s a strong role for wolves, so by watching trapsetter i was also hoping to verify if they actually healed trapsetter (which they did). wolf!them could just pretend to visit trapsetter and actually empower wolf kp, or something like that. no role in the game other than mine could disprove that.

Besides the one that died during the night

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and no, fortunately my self-esteem is fine, i don’t think my thought process was stupid at all. the stupid part was me tmi-ing not watching the nightkill as soon as i set foot into the thread.

wait, eavesdropper could see who was healed/empowered?

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Now that I think about it

I wonder if it’s mechanically significant that certain role died

it could indicate a wolf with one of those roles are existing

(I didn’t feel like reformatting this sentence)

Seeing as people’s reads on me are very varied (plus my role not being that useful) I think me eating the NK early would be a good thing.

I think the potential for my role to screw things up for the wolves is much greater lategame than early.

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oh. that included-.

i thought that would only be for actual action empowers that mattered.


I don’t think this means anything for Faci’s alignment necessarily
I do think their mech post above was ~okay though

thinking about teleporter’s action and what’s optimal for them as either alignment hurts my brain but

now that the hurdle’s gone and communications is claimed town by coroner i need to check something.


if we believe coroner then i correctly defended communications yesterday. i’m not sure whether i should feel good it happened or bad that i didn’t stick to it (though admittedly i did try sticking to it and was essentially told ‘no.’).

honestly, after yesterday i kinda want to kill scientist. especially if facilitator is town, which maybe they are. scientist just hasn’t been villagery and frankly that’s a good reason to kill people.

i see no reason to re-evaluate my towncore from yesterday as of right now.

That was me responding to Surv’s post, where they were surprised that I idled last night + them saying that I should be killed early on.

i also outright told security to shoot there if they wanted a +ev shot and they decided to holster instead. i don’t necessarily think that makes them a wolf but i also think it isn’t clearing, so really i just want @Security to tell us what they did.

I mean saying you could screw up the wolves lategame and that you should eat a nightkill seems contradictory

I agree that Scientist is not villagery

oh yeah, i think officer deserves to be in my towncore as well, i think their posting is fairly solid.
i’m choosing to be stubborn about this after comms (assuming coroner’s telling the truth, but cryogenics had a decent argument why they would and my pet townread on coroner might not be that terrible?).