Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

it’s weird that aliens didn’t overrun us while the power was out


maybe this is all a prank

(this is a joke)

I don’t even know lmao. I feel like i’m knee-deep in molasses this game.

I did my mini-ISO on Officer but he had some good micro tells, but his macro was pretty poor so I don’t really know how to evaluate them. I voted Security because he was either openwolfing as wolf or gamethrowing as town, but Surv brought up good points as to why they could be town so I’m kinda back to the drawing board.

I think the concerns re: Student may have weight, but again I don’t really understand why the case on them is all mechanical and not behavioral. Plus, it doesn’t really make sense to me that Student is not posting because they’re outed. Like, Cryo claimed that they were going to jail Student N1. If they’re a wolf then they should have had plenty of time to prepare for this exact situation, right? Plus the vig/wolves could have crosskilled, which is kind of the world I was living in went I went to bed.

I want to do some sort of overall player analysis since I find that lets me refocus on the game, but the site went belly-up last night so I wasn’t able to start that. I’ll try to start that today but today is a little busy for me.

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Gimme a sec to read through what happened last night. I was mildly skimming and thought that I caught wolf Coroner asking a pointless question in the middle but it went nowhere after they claimed that they mixed up Fac and Surv.

/unvote I guess.

i’m going to pretend i don’t think student is a wolf for a bit.

teleporter, if you’re not inclined to go for student, then who do you want to kill today?

and by the way, my case on student is half mechanics, half “literally hasn’t done anything to defend themselves today when mechanics strongly point to them being mafia.” you could question why they wouldn’t defend themselves as a wolf here, but in reality, the reasons could be numerous and aren’t guessable.

I want people to talk to me about Officer.

Like I’ve said, I know that they’ve had some decent micro, but their overarching macro (specifically how they’re kinda sheeping thread consensus) worries me. I think literally the only thing they’ve done out of their own volition was vote me today. I swear that every other view of those has been already said by someone in-thread.

i remember reading their iso yesterday and coming out with a read that boiled down to “eh, this isn’t as good as i thought, but i have no major concerns.”

they’ve been on the fringe of my towncore this entire game. i’ll admit i wasn’t able to clear them fully. the micro things i pointed out about them, ones that made them look like town, were also disproven or at least put into question by members of my towncore that also contained student, haha…

I have a different read on teleporter but I’m not really sure if this is me just trying to confirm bias that he is town

mafia is hard

why did I join a mafia game

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i don’t remember officer really caring last eod. if i believe coroner then wagons were v/something. potentially v/v.

Officer appearing now just reminded me of something, I’m pretty sure Officer has always appeared whenever he is being talked about.

every other view of theirs

Fair. I do think them not being here for the past 18 hours is not a great look, but it could just also be due to real life.

And again I mentioned this earlier, but the thing that concerned me about them at the tail end of Day 1 was that they were very focused on keeping people in the PoE, specifically Fac and Comm. I think they argued pretty heavily to discount my villaread on Fac and your (?) villaread on Comm. Think it’s kinda wolfy because they want to keep scumread players in the PoE.

But I admit that I haven’t read their Day 1 ISO.

i… don’t think i’ve ever seen this read work. are you implying he’s ghosting the thread?

Hi, caught up. I think it’s pretty likely Student is just, well, still frozen haha get it. There’s the other possibility with comms/coroner but the longer student doesn’t appear the more I feel like he is just caught and doesn’t want to fight back.

no it’s just an observation that I made

not really sure that it’s ai

officer don't read

that’s literally a summary of what i said, minus a few things.

Pure chance, I got up and read what I missed and there happened to be a post about me recently

i see where teleporter’s coming from tbh.

you’re popular.