Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

This once again suggests we should just continue playing the game as normal.

Student, if you receive the results of people who died before you became coroner, I can continue to jail keep security in order to force scum to either no kill or clear security if we hit an alien before this

if we do hit an alien I think I should be protected each night because my role becomes insanely strong with forcing a clear each night or forcing no kills

No, apparently I only receive results of people who die after I inherit the role. This doesn’t include people who die in the same phase as I inherit the role.

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I’m not sure why Security is so convinced of me being a wolf here despite their last statement being actually quite probable.

Like, seriously. Consensus villagers were Surveillance/Trapsetter/Student/Cryogenics/Eavesdropper

Student and Surveillance were being protected. Surveillance was most likely to watch Cryogenics/Trapsetter out of the remaining 3. I don’t see why it is unlikely for the kills to have crossed.

Plan if we kill coroner

Cryo → Security
Teleporter → Trap → POE slot
Facilitator - > Cryo
Surveillance → Whoever you want, really
Trap → Student

Does anyone disagree with this plan? I figure this is the best way to utilize teleporter role here

Will be back in a couple of hours.

ah so student doesn’t get coroner’s flip if he backs up coroner that’s annoying

however if coroner is maf the game probably ends anyway so lol

We dont have any protection on surv in that plan

Updated Plan

Cryo → Security
Surveillance → Cryo
Facilitator → Surveillance
Trap → Student
Teleporter → Trap → POE Slot

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The only problem I can see with these plans is teleporter swapping two people and killing the person he swapped with trap

but at the same time, I find it highly unlikely scum attack the same person he swaps with

Its a valid question after security posed comm/coroner theory

fair point

The hubris to assume the game is ending here on back to back wolf flips

Actually I stand correcter. Teleporter is actually the one that can fuck up almost everything. Teleporter is such a powerful scum role holy fuck

It can redirect scientist checks

It can redirect doctor heals

it can do basically anything

Good thing I’m town then :stuck_out_tongue:


if you lie I cri