Orangevitational - Aliens Win!

hold on a minute

You are going to heal me.

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I’ll catch up later then

is this how a villager reacts to someome they think is v about to be hammered?

Announcement from the AI that helps run this ship.

Nights are usually 24 hours long, but may be extended or shortened by host availability. We will inform you of the time when night begins. That is all


uh this is all I could find about the night phase
is it just, until someone turns the power back on?

Probably not

never mind that answered my question

did I accidentally cut the 24 hours from the OP?

how tf did I manage that

carry on

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It would be funny if there was a role that could decide when the power was turned off and on and mafia just made phases as short as possible.

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at least then we’d know whoever the power switch guy was, was mafia lol

i have to admit that the cams guy not being called “security” would probably be tripping me up if i wasn’t the cams guy. ifjejeanggg

Now that I think about it, I’m not sure whether to be relieved or even more paranoid from this fact, but the best thing for mafia to do is to never kill anyone (until protectives dies)? There’s too many variables, which means as long as we keep the town core protected we will win

but yeah i feel like hammering is the best course of action. if comms is a wolf and my towncore’s all correct then we’ll have a pure wagon on a wolf moment.

you could always rename security “guns guy” or, more appropriately, “loose cannon”


hero shooter

he’s not a hero shooting people he shoots heros

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is it bad I read that in engrish and thought you were saying “hello shooter”


even in mafia, people carrying guns tend to get funny ideas, and the people not carrying guns, not as much.