Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Bazinga actually misunderstood the whole situation.

I didn’t have a scumcheck on anyone, to begin with. I tried to get information from the person I checked to see if royalty check is legit. It was, but I also got rolecopped via scum that night and they knew it was a baseless push anyway.

They did claim a royalty and I belived them, so I just backed off.


Objectively, Eevee likely will not make it to 9900 charge by the end of the game

And considering Blizzard World is next, that further supplements the unlikelihood

Again, how does that relate to this game? This derailment is becoming a little confusing

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You can’t actually call me gamethrower for a misplay. That’s just… wtf.

Also actually very rude and misinformation spreading.


It doesn’t, but makes me angry on them for spreading missinformation and being rude to me for a false reasons.

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Are we finished with this?

puts away popcorn

Also we only have 24 hours to vote someone. Vote sam guys.

Here, yes, I will have to talk with Bazinga on discord about it tho.

Since sorry, but I’m actualy ofended by him claiming that I’m a gamethrower and a bad player.
Not to mention he is trying to put words in my mouth rn.

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Why don’t we lynch you abd shoot sam


Because lynching sam then shooting someone else is better :slight_smile:

Ok, I shoot you and we lynch sam


You’ll get to use your night ability. Doesn’t that sound great!

Any reason people are scumreading sam?

This is the third time I literally had to show my reasons why I was voting sam

This is the reason

Livicus posts also seemed to change when I revealed I was planning to bomb them. About the whole blowing up thing, I still plan to do it today since there is a chance I won’t live through the night, at least if the claim vig is strongman.

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I don’t see how that makes him scum. Nobody knows how the anti claim things work

We do though, it’s claiming an ability. Alice literally told us this