Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Dude I’ve suggested three lynches for this day I don’t know where you’re living.

Wasn’t FK’s a dayvig plus self buff?

You don’t need to pretend any more the town will let you live anyway they aren’t playing :sunglasses:

If people aren’t playing it’s only because there’s always forced apathy from the scum around a nice group of mislynches.
Maybe if Cheesy, Captain, or Sam got some more serious pressure we could see the game heat up a bit.

Fk was only buff and extra charge, not day vig

Then what was all that Insanity drama about? I’m so confused smh.

That was one of his abilites, I thought we were talking about ult?

One of FK’s abilities not ults was a dayvig? Then there’s even less of a chance (read: basically none) that Captain and Geyde are townies.
Geyde has the already explained towncred so this pretty clearly leaves Captain as scum.

A lot of people are confused go and check yourself to clear everything up

Something smells with with Penguin to me. It is like he’s trying to push a mislynch.

Vote Counter

Accused Voter Number Of Votes
Captain NinjaPenguin 1
NinjaPenguin BazingaBoy 1
Insanity Sam17z 1
Shurian BlueStorm, Mercenary, Captain, Marcus_Doodalee 4
None Insanity, Geyde, GamerPoke, Shurian, MaximusPrime, Soulshade55r, Queen_Alfa, CheeseyKnives, 8

If the vote distribution remains the same, then by the EoD Shurian will be lynched along with Captain, NinjaPenguin, or Insanity.

Prodding @Soulshade55r

We are lynching Shurian (lock)

Captain claimed Dayvig (and I believed they replaced Noz)?

Given that my dayvig caused me not only to be outed but also to lose passives, I have to call into question the potential downsides of their dayvig.

Have they explained exactly what their ability does?

Insanity is being called into question for being supposedly immune(?) to death. The best option in this case is to occupy them tonight and then address it tommorrow.

Ninja has shown points of scumplay as seen by other players, but not myself. I will not make an accusation based upon that. Given that Baz knows what they are doing, I’ll vote with their read.

/vote Ninja

I mean it was silent

/unvote Shurian
/vote Shurian

my ult did what it said i would do and it instantly charges someone’s ult for free

/vote Sam

Claim a flavor

/vote Insanity

Nobody else vote insanity after me or you’re scum, I gotta schleep

Dude your claimed role is literally directly worse than somebody else’s claimed role why aren’t you voting them? This setup isn’t open but it’s basically still a counterclaim.
Bazinga doesn’t know what he’s doing. Read back through his ISO and show me him getting above rand on scum.
I’m open to claiming so I’m not mislynched, but if and only if @CheesyKnives tells us if he’s one of the multitude of players with killing abilities.