Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

Cause im Co-hosting :wink:

Fake claim

Fancy play syndrome


What do you think about blacklisting me

Basically. Imagine being scum but Town.

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NFoL Hydra has me considering it a little bit more, but not to the extent of Marg.

Was My play that bad?

Hippo has a point

Wtf do we blame meme when Celeste does it more.

Granted we blame meme for acceptable reasons

You Claimed Scorned as CW. You tell me?

(Unless you were something else, cause i was gone for pretty much the entire game)

it was my strategy

Over twenty players believing that a town role can make 6 innocent childs day 1 is really really sad ngl.

yes, I’ll just make backhanded end game comments until I’m back


You Claimed scum as town. If that isnt gamethrowing idk what it.

Damnit Solic

0/10 didn’t deathtunnel Alice despite her being the host


scorned isnt scum and I claimed to have already won

Press X to doubt

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We will await for your return and the resurgence of the TvT Deathtunnels Brother Solic

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Town could still win this, I disagree with calling the game.

Genji redirects daykills back to attackers and occupies people.

If he occupied Talon night kill, he would 100% be dayvigged as this iritating fly and could kill the killer, making it back to 2 vs 1 with them being confirmed.


Yes, but you claimed a pally as your lynch target…

Oh yeah btw, My Mason buddy got quicklynched while I was sleep, so I feel your pain

Unless Genji had no more uses of rebounding dayvigges back to attacker?