Overwatch Forum Mafia - Talon wins! - (4/28) - Day 5

No it isn’t, this game opened sign ups before it came up in the queue

It still has the full two weeks once it comes up

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We need to promote this FM, we’re getting so close!

which is now because burritos and the bogans got canned I think

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Ashe join so we can send get cards soon

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@Alice you can start this whenever (you can wait for it to fill if you want)

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How bad could a game by Alice be right :^) adjective mafia was very good


If Ashe joins we only need one more player

nah I’m planning to only do 1 game at once

Everything but giving memesky vengeful.

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a noble and selfless goal
but aw regardless :sob:

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That was a cursed roll


Title is wrong as well I’m super bored plz people join

It won’t start even if it fill, you duck.

I need healing!

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It actually will. :man_facepalming:

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“Pre-In Stage”


Insert another quote of Alice saying this starts after pug game which was canned

Then CHANGE HECKIN’ TITLE next time. :roll_eyes:

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I will make alts to fill this

It will make me a superior scumreader I swear


Totally didnt mean to do that