Paint Your Mafia… Mafia: Electric Boogaloo - Night 4 - Town wins!

can u link a wolf game of yours


i just noticed no one actually dried to draw themselves becoming an IC

Because I can already do that by posting more than once



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/vote clonedcheese @Mercenary @sulit

At least this ought to start some sort of discussion.

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Vote Count

Voted Accusers Count
clonedcheese Intensify, thepigeonnyc, Zone_Q11 4/8
Marshal Aelin, clonedcheese, Wazza 3/8
Aelin Nightingale, Marshal 2/8
Not voting Emilia, min, WindwardAway, eevee, AnthemBell, Arctic 6

also did anyone claim that tweet

Nope. Which is why we think it came from a scum.

that’s true actually

oh he’s aware of his own meta
he used it to wolf in warrior cats and got townread for it except by, well, arctic and me? :joy_cat:

i was so sure someone would, but maybe everyone thought someone else would do it so they didn’t

How would you even draw that with intention of framing.

also if u think it was from scum why are you voting him.

because we’re not sure if it was just wifom
the assumption is, if we think it comes from scum, naturally people would move to townclear cloned
so wouldn’t it be smart of them to claim a redcheck on a wolf

is this just overthinking?


i think the wolves would be competent enough to know that town wouldn’t vote cloned without someone claiming the action, which means it means nothing for his alignment

how would they know we would come to conclusion it was from wolf.

because no town claimed it

Yeah but we didn’t like massclaim or plan to

we did massclaim
except for eevee who is doing ??? things