Patch 4.1.3 Notes - The Quest System

Hear ye hear ye!

To all my hero citizens out there, it is your time to shine! The Royal Court is announcing the brand new Quest system for all brave and adventurous citizens who are up for the challenge. The Royal Court will announce 3 quests per day (refreshed on 12:00 EST) with promises of gold. While the Royal Court is still perfecting the system, we welcome all citizens to give it a try and let us know your thoughts on it!

The Royal Court has also updated the Law of Castle Adiart (Code of Conduct). Please read it carefully and obey them accordingly. Let us keep our land secure and safe for every citizen in Castle Adiart.

Patch Highlights

Class Balance and Updates

  • Fixed Butler’s 2x target in a row

System and Game Improvements

  • Fixed friend invite bug.
  • Minor bugs fixed.

See you in the King’s Courtroom!


Code of Conduct v3

Really hoping this is better thought out and less problematic than ToS’s achievements, which are probably the closest analogue?

You really don’t want to deal with having people throw games to try and get an achievement