People Who Are Missed Because They Went Missing

Cheers friend


Hi everyone, this is the user formerly known as Maxwell. I chose to come back because I missed this community and also because community is something I could use right now after suffering a big letdown IRL in that regard pretty recently.

I now go by just “N” online. Nice to see you guys again.


thank god youre back

@Arete @eevee-sama @PoisonedSquid Can I get the Regular badge back that Luxy gave me before? I still plan to design new setups so it would be useful to me.

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Oh wow, the one year anniversary of me joining here the first time is tomorrow.

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Team Plasma sucks

Bro y you @ me wtf




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Nobody would miss you and as of right now we can only wish you’d gone missing


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did you look into mirror while typing that



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Andrew Bonar Law, The Carlton Club, 1922, Colorised

@sulit you should swap to your CDFM name so we can all sing hjasik’s praises and forget you existed

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who’s sulit, never heard of them


> treating Emilia as not my friend

r u d e


> treating yourself as a person


jk merc jk :kissing_heart:

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Ik who even is real like im betting all of you guys are bots

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