I dont understand why. Yeah it annoys people but…Nothing wrong with the name?
Pickle Riiiiiiiick
I dont understand why. Yeah it annoys people but…Nothing wrong with the name?
Pickle Riiiiiiiick
Get out.
Stop forcing that stale meme.
They banned it for a reason, we probably just don’t have a high enough intelligence to understand you “intelligent” Rick and Morty fans then.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools… how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
There’s nothing wrong with the name. It would be like banning someone naming themselves Sub-Zero. If you don’t like Rick and Morty then…too bad? I don’t like potatoes but Potato, Hot potato, Cold potato, mashed potato, etc isn’t banned.
I don’t like the meme but I don’t understand why it would be banned.
True, devs just sorta want the game to be taken more seriously.
but tbh, its the person’s fault if they call themself Pickle Rick. They should die n1 imo.
Also the fact that you have a really old meme as your profile picture completely negates all valid arguments.
Your profile picture is a haha xd meme 59/11
Last time I played with Rick and Morty names,
I was Morty Smith the Scorned and Rick Sanchez is Mercenary who then signed second contracted to me and won together.
To be fair you need to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty memes. The humor is very subtle and without a firm grasp of theoretical bullshit most of the funny jokes xD will go right over the typical memers head. There’s also the internet’s nihilistic meme ‘to be fair you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty’ which is deeply woven into Know Your Meme ~ The meme draws heavily from Harmonian litereature such as Rick and Morty. The internet understands this stuff; it has the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realize that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick and Morty memes truly ARE idiots- Of course they wouldn’t appreciate the humor in the internet’s existentialish meme; ‘to be fair you have to have a very high IQ’ , which itself is a reference to Icibalus’s British epic Where Did Humanity Go Wrong? I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as the internet’s genius unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools… how I pity them.
And yes by the way, I DO have a Rick and Morty meme tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand
Childish 5th grader like argument there. Bring something productive to the table.
Alright true.
Ran out of shit. A shame I don’t have a high enough IQ to think of good insults for a topic such as this.
Okay Rick and Morty fan. I submit defeat to you. My IQ isn’t high enough on levels as yours. When someone is near you, they just smell how smart you are 3000 miles away.
Filthy simpletons like me cannot come up with productive insults.
Okay Mr High IQ Man
(you see how smart I look now)
I don’t like Rick and Morty either, but you’re coming off as being really childish here (and elsewhere in this thread). This guy hasn’t done anything to warrant this kind of behavior from you.
This ban seems pointless to me. So what if someone wants to give themselves a stupid name? Should we ban everything that someone thinks is stupid?
Because it’s not fun to see people screaming “I’m pickle rick!” and “wubbalubbadubdub” every fucking game
it’s not funny
it’s not clever
it’s annoying and contributes nothing
also it’s a really stale meme
I’ve never seen this, but if it was that big of an issue in a game, couldn’t we just report the player for spam?
i think it was banned before the report system was made
also it’s a really stale meme
Can we ban every stale meme then?
Ask Bos
Have mercy.