PJO FM - 3/13 - Demigods (Town) Wins!

the plan is to review Eli’s slot again and then look at the Alice/Wazza thing closer

but I have to look at Alice’s slot

you can if you want but just know that before I subbed into this slot I thought it was wolf.

I’m willing to give you a clean slate if you can prove you are town


I’m town

okay I used my lying darkness ability and it said this was true


but don’t worry, I will give you a chance even if I read Alice as scum

but I also have a good track record with reading Alice, so it depends on how confident I read Alice and how you post


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I have 1sbpv btw

thought that was important

I hate that game

thankfully I wasn’t here for it

I’ll see you guys about 5 or 6 PM central

and currently I have a good track record of reading in general yet here I was admitting I was wrong about my own slot.

Either way, thoughts time:

  1. EliThePsycho - Scumread - Despite being pretty positive that Eli is Mafia I would like a lot more from the slot that I can currently determine to help read in but pre-game I was pretty sure that Eli was Scum and it’s even why I thought Alice was Scum considering she helped a CFD away from his slot which was quite a bit and considering I just replaced in and I despise CFDs, it makes this a lot more awkward.
  2. Emilia - Townlean - Pretty confident posting, although I can’t say for certain I’m directly confident in the read myself.
  3. Silviu - Nulltown - Silviu is mostly just coasting, I haven’t seen a proper wolf game from them but I certainly know they aren’t a powerwolf, but I also can’t say they are completely townie, I haven’t noticed much from them apart from fluff however at the end of the day.
  4. Zone - Null - I’m currently unsure, working on this read.
  5. Luxy - Townlean - The push on Emilia was atrocious but lord was it helpful for me to help think things through, it’s extremely helpful to have someone be like this and the rescind after a realization based on the game that just ended was telling to me if I’m honest.
  6. Nightingale - Null - Working on it.
  7. Jane - Null - Lack of content, unsure where that would place him, not really a wolfmeta to have a lack of posting however so I’m very unsure of where to place him I just haven’t noticed anything substantial from him or anything I can remember if I’m honest.
  8. min - Townread - min is acting vastly different to how they acted in Elf Gold Rush and while meta reads are bad in the rest of your eyes, I’ve been able to read min for quite some time so while this game may be different, I’m pretty confident I can keep them up in a Townread and away from PoE heavily.
  9. Gorta - Nullscum - Heavy pushing, I haven’t ever noticed this from Gorta apart from in FAM when he got consistently townread for something similar to this, and Townread by me for it. Metaread I suppose you can say. I also don’t like his awareness to my slot, first he talks about how he’ll “give me a chance” depending on his Alice read but then just talks about how he’s good at reading Alice so basically makes it quite confident that it’ll be based on that entirely
  10. Marluxion - Townread - Another read I’m fairly confident in, out of everyone around right now apart from maybe min thanks to today, I’m pretty confident in saying he’s not being executed for a while and especially not today.


My Reads:






this is like my first ever time using nulltown and nullscum I’m proud of myself

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time to read Zone and Nightingale, woo

ah yes, this depends on how you act


time to read Zone*


if you are towny I would reconsider my read, but if you are null/scummy and I find Alice scum then don’t expect much of a change