PJO FM - 3/13 - Demigods (Town) Wins!

i did it


(this isnā€™t all of it, hit the scroll up button)

If heā€™s town thats a bad look for Alice given she his primary pusher from the start, albiet some people have joined in

If heā€™s wolf thats an ok look for Alice, but heā€™s an easy bus.

So yeah if he flips town is what this is based upon

Iā€™m not voting Pigeon or Eli

I havenā€™t said it yet, but I have a suspicion on Alice

/vote Pigeon @Aelin

How often do powerwolves actually push a D1ML? Based off what I have seen from Gold Rush, it seems more common for town with strong presence to push a D1ML.

If itā€™s not Pigeon then he need to teach us what itā€™s the difference between town bird and mafia bird

Itā€™s Alice

That tells me nothing. I know sheā€™s a good player, but I donā€™t use meta to bias my opinions of the current game.



:joy_cat: zone has become the one thing he swore to fight off


Oof, not quite the entracer

The most hilarious thing about this is that these are literally a post apart


Look, Iā€™m just saying it looks dumb as hell to scumread Alice in the event that Eli flips town. Yā€™all decided to exe Eli for freezing, but I donā€™t see how thatā€™s scummy at all.

That, and Eli finally pushed Pigeon.
(Itā€™s about damn time.)

1 Like

Fair enough. I have double standards.

My point is that I wouldnā€™t scumread her based off of that alone, but it would be an indicator to have a closer look at her.

Eh. More specifically I donā€™t use Aliceā€™s meta to make a biased read against her.
ā€“but whatever. Saying I have double standards is easier than explaining my thought process.

Official Votecount

Voted Voter Votes
Eli Alice, Night, Emilia, Marl 4/7
pigeon Eli, Zone, min, Silviu 4/7
Marl Jane 1/7
Jane clonedcheese 1/7
Zone gorta 1/7
Not Voting pigeon, Luxy 2

reminder that, for a vote to be counted, you must ping me

Day ends in 1 and a half hours, at 2021-08-10T17:00:00Z.