PJO FM - 3/13 - Demigods (Town) Wins!

Official Votecount

Voted Voter Votes
Eli Jane, Alice 2/7
Silviu Night 1/7
Jane clonedcheese 1/7
Marl Emilia 1/7
min Zone 1/7
Not Voting Eli, Silviu, Luxy, pigeon, min, gorta, Marl 7

reminder that, for a vote to be counted, you must ping both hosts

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Are you sure?

if there was a n0 in me people would be voting me by now


I’m sure

(RIP. Why do I suck at RTs?)
(Oh hey. Jane is here.)

/unvote @Aelin @Mistyx

I have to go take care of a few things, be back in a few hours

hi zoneiss


/vote min @Aelin @Mistyx

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how u

how r u doin

Lacking content as of late.
What about you?

Eli is rand<w
but I am resolving the thunder dome first

im oka

listening to music n stuffs

1 Like

hello oka, I am dad

where thunderdome


oooh ya


Good to see you too gorta.
