PJO FM - 3/13 - Demigods (Town) Wins!

I know what my role is and my ability.
I know when I actioned or not.
I actioned last night and I didn’t action the previous night, so there is no way I could have visited Nightingale. I don’t even think I couldve been redirected because I can only target myself. I literally have nothing else in my defense because neither you nor Jane, whichever of you is town, were able to prove what I did last night.

My role isn’t even useful now because there was literally no way I was ever going to die, and judging by the reads on my slot this whole game, I’m really not even surprised Emilia holstered because there was no use for it. I thought I’d be able to clear myself last night with it instead, but even that didn’t pan out and I’m stuck in the PoE for understandable reasons since I have literally nothing going in my favor.

You’re claiming PGO/Veteran?

No, commuter


Role Description:

The Commuter will each night automatically commute, which makes them unable to be targeted by any night actions.

It was a 2-shot for me but yeah, that’s basically the description otherwise

what does commuter do?

what does commute mean here?


If I commute at night I basically yeet myself out of the game. It’s pretty much what Jane posted, I wouldn’t be able to be targeted by anyone on the night I commute out. Difference is just that I only had limited shots.

I think it’s most commonly used as a protective action but I was basically trying to use it as an investigative.

Idea was that if I was tracked, redirected, or hit by any other action, you’d get no result and I’d be cleared because it would prove I wasn’t “in the game” last night. I got the idea because I played a game once with a wolf commuter (min) and they got caught by being targeted at night with what was basically a fruit vendor. They couldn’t commute that night as the last wolf left because they had to perform a factional kill.

Plan was that I’d clear myself last night and catch the last wolf but you’re both saying you were out of shots

Gorta however should never have gotten a result that I visited because even if I no actioned I couldn’t have been on Night

I’m pretty sure wolves can do the factional kill in addition to their ability here.

Zone had to have comitted the factional kill, because that was the only way they could have died to Wazza, and Marl was also bled by Zone that night.

Yeah you’re probably right, but they could use both their ability and factional kill in that game iirc and the problem was that commuting literally took min out of the game so the kill would’ve gone missing lol

Idk how Aelin would’ve processed it, I could ask hypothetically but I’m not a wolf commuter anyway

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Actually lemme check something

Ok yeah, a wolf commuter would have to choose between commuting or killing and couldn’t do both

Threadze is deadze :c

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Then make it not deadze.

You have spew from Zone and Nightingale + gorta’s own ISO to convince us they’re scum.
Alternatively, convince us your slot is town.

What the fuckze

I actually didn’t die what