PJO FM - 3/13 - Demigods (Town) Wins!

Official Votecount

Voted Voter Votes
Emilia Night, Zone, Eli 3/7
Eli Jane, Alice 2/7
Jane clonedcheese 1/7
Marl Emilia 1/7
Not Voting Silviu, Luxy, pigeon, min, gorta, Marl 6

reminder that, for a vote to be counted, you must ping both hosts

I don’t think Emilia fakes this as town after how much i scolded her after warrior cats, so she’s either mafia or telling the truth


that might be the single most unnatural post i’ve ever seen you post

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fun fact
literally every single time min has called me cringe they have been mafia

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(usually it happens in that exact same context, of me calling them mafia and they call me cringe.)

conroy france-san haunts my every waking hour
there is no escape for me
only suffering

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bonjour, nightingale


Problème, mademoiselle?

please stop it sonuds dumb buti ts no t acutally a joke :sob:


cloned, silviu, luxy?

mademoiselle sounds cute but
not righ tnow

This feels like going after the lowest common denominator, kinda. Maybe a bit too simplified.

Hard to judge luxy without having him post. @Emilia i’m going to actively guilt trip you into rescinding if you’re fake claiming for a laugh, be prepared


this is a crappy tell

It’s true!

stop it now

If cloned is mafia the tell works :flushed: