PJO FM - 3/13 - Demigods (Town) Wins!

Official Votecount

Voted Voter Votes
Eli Alice, Night, Emilia, Marl, Zone 5/7
Marl Jane, Silviu 2/7
Emilia Zone, Eli 2/7
Jane clonedcheese 1/7
Not Voting min, gorta, pigeon, Luxy 4

reminder that, for a vote to be counted, you must ping me

Day ends in 2 and a half hours, at 2021-08-10T17:00:00Z.

not really no

My vote is in spirit on Eli

Iā€™ll put it there when I go to sleep

cloned silviu min alice
all villagers
thats my largest working point right now i think

  • EliThePsycho - Wolf
  • clonedcheese - Townlean
  • Emilia - Townlean
  • Alice - Slight Townlean,
  • Silviu - Slight Townlean
  • Zone - Slight Townlean
  • Luxy
  • thepigeonnyc - Slight Scumlean, Emilia made sense on them
  • Nightingale - Townlean
  • Jane - Trending Down
  • min - Slight Townlean
  • gorta - Slight Townlean
  • Marluxion - Slight Townlean


Whoā€™s miscleared @Nightingale

sbpcpvve back at you too

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I feel like if I miscleared someone itā€™s probably min, tbfh.

I donā€™t think Marlā€™s fakeclaiming as the way he said ā€œIā€™m not gonna be mislynchedā€ really felt like he was confident that he could just claim to get out of it.

i think marl could be miscleared here but realistically it doesnt matter since their claim

Emilia and Zone i need to look into
Gorta could be miscleared here but obv dont go there today or tomorrow probably

I remember nothing memorable from min at all

I was just thinking this when I looked at Nightā€™s towncore

Honestly gortaā€™s effort today looks really good for him

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4th highest poster, so yeah.

ok yeah im coming around to v!gorta a bit

What do you think of belgian jane?

Honestly, min is a null for me I just put them as slight townlean because everyone else townread them

Iā€™ll try reading Marl again tomorrow, I donā€™t know how to read marl too well

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min isnt on like
cloned/silviu level
ive played with w!them a few times and i feel like here theyre using the thread more as a platform to interact w others socially instead of like, a platform to present themselves
its comes across in the tone and how they initiate their interactions

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when gorta is posting villagery
should i be scared
i probably shouldnt because this actually isnt abnormal in his villa games lol


/unvote Emilia

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