Please make yolo kills less attractive for alchs

Those yolo alchs are so anoying, its like every alch strategy now.

few points about it:

  1. Hunters, prince, knights can’t attack before n3, so why alchs can?

  2. You should make it weaker, how about making it kills the alch when he is attacking a knight or a physician for example? that could make the alch consider his actions before just killing randomly.

  3. Another option is limit their kills to 1, but dont count them if they were occupied. That could make them save their kill for a strategic moment.

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No. It is a bad strategy so soon people will stop it.

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Well maybe its bad on n1, but on n4-5 it’s not that bad

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Alch is neut. If you kill BD then the Unseen/Cult will win faster. If you kill unseen/cult then you can get the BD’s trust and also get the unseen/cult to die faster. If you hit an immune then you now have lots more information than you usually have


Pretty solid tactic to be fair .
I usually whisper king to say ill heal him , then yolo bomb for a few turns
then heal king for a bit .

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That’s the point, the tactic are ok so the devs should make it less atractive because its stupid

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BD more than deserves yolo bombing right now. Every time I don’t kill BD, I end up regretting it because some idiot prince executes me or something. As it stands the unseen/cult are several orders of magnitude more trustworthy. I can almost always trust the unseen or cult not to betray me. Definitely can’t say the same for BD, not even close.

The same thing goes for most neut classes. Every time I have tried to be a faithful merc to BD, I am betrayed. I have not been betrayed a single time when I have gotten an unseen or cult contract.

Might as well complain about the reaper randomly killing BD. It’s part of the game. Nerfing alch potions to 1 would be beyond stupid and make the class much worse.

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So you are just saying every alch should be exed immeditely

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I’d say more accurately, alcs are adjusting their strategy to what the BD forces them into. so many games I reach near the end in a tight knit game… more or less get myself confirmed before the prince decides to jail me, say neuts out, and die to the unseen the same night and BD gets crushed.

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I always use D1 and D2 to read people and then kill N2 and N3 looking for Prince. A dead Prince vastly increases an alchemists chances of survival.

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I’d say this one is self evident. BD can’t kill before n3 because it’s unreasonable to assume they know the evils before n3. Non BD can, because killing evils is an OPTION for how to reach their goal, rather than their goal. When it comes down to it an alc’s real goal is for the game to end as fast as possible, via any means. Heck in some ways is almost contradictary to their goal if it didn’t raise their odds of being kept around.

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Yes the meta is shifting to where even Cult/Unseen and Reaper/Possesor will make death notes faking out BD saying its a Yolo Bomb with a potion for the drawing when really its not. The yolo bombs are just making the #neutsout case stronger

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unseen are not as friendly as you think. When the neuts out claim is chucked up the unseen all band wagon too . They know you ain’t one of them so they will happily through you under the bus .

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Well it’s kind of a cyclical thing… alc has very little chance of winning while prince is alive. Dunno about you but I’ve had quite a few games where I’ve been down to wire, where I’d bomb near the end because I had a pretty good idea, I’d hit an immune knowing I found the mastermind… I’d out myself to call it, MM doesn’t get voted up, prince jails and kills me and assasain kills prince.

Siding with BD while the prince is up… is consistantly shown to be a bad idea when playing as alc… dosen’t matter how hard you try to help BD, there’s a very high chance it will bite you in the but.

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Any alc who Yolo bombs d1-3 cannot complain about being hung or exe by prince because honestly you deserve it. Unless your told to bomb someone or if you are 100% sure you understand that if you do and miss chances are your gonna die for it.


Any alchemist at all can not complain about being killed by Prince. If I am prince and get an alchemist claim I always exe. That’s eh you you want the Prince dead

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