Poisonous FM - Mafia Chat

You are The Mafia.

Marshal is:

Mafia Poisoner

Once per night, you may target a player to either real poison or fake poison. At the start of the coming day it will be announced who was poisoned the night before and players who are poisoned will die at the end of the day.
You win when the town has been eliminated in the memiest way possible.

SirDerpsALot is:

Mafia Rolecop

Once per night, you may investigate a player, revealing their rolecard to you at the start of the next day.
You win when the town has been eliminated in the memiest way possible.

eevee is:

Mafia Goon

You have no night abilities, however, you share a private chat and a factional kill with your teammates.
You win when the town has been eliminated in the memiest way possible.

Amelia is:

Mafia Goon

You have no night abilities, however, you share a private chat and a factional kill with your teammates.
You win when the town has been eliminated in the memiest way possible.


I’m happy

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jojo with amelia

@eevee-sama @Marshal jojoV2

Mindmeld lmO

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ok derps bus me d1

No I have a new plan.

is it to hardbuddy me

I’m hard buddying 1-2 of yku

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also @Luxy can u make a discord or do u wanna do it all on forums

Forums I deleted discord again

aight. got it

ok well if we use jojo strats

we gotta kill arete n1

No fake poison them

but then im likely lynched because i always poision arete :thinking:

tbh derps we could go buddy-buddy

and if one of us flips

we can just claim “honestly the soulread is off like evolution mafia”

ok well i’ve infiltrated the towncore and rickrolled the towncore

your move now nerds

putting some light shade on Crich in the case amelia ever flips

Can you put a link to SOD1 in op

I wanted town PR, I got vanilla mafia.

Thanks RNG :^)