Poisonous FM - Mafia Chat

2 big burger king packs (Fries + Butger + torilla-like roll + chicken strips), 2 pizzas, 20 sushi rolls, 5 muffins, 8 smoothies, 2 colas, I probable missed something tbh.

That’s MY TODAY share of deliveries.

Yeah, that happens everyday.

Who tf would be able to eat that much to begin with.

bro i have been sustained on almost exclusievely gushers and granola bars for like 3 days


Yoo I threw some soy sauce in my ramen, it’s really nice actually

Also I never saw that huge pieces of meat in any burger before tbh.
Nor that much ingridients on top of pizza.

That’s typical polish reaction tbh.

Our country always loves to complain, but unites in times of crisis.

But they are overdoing it, lmfao.

Wanna send me some food then

Bro, come to Poland and I can give you few pizzas daily.

We literaly have no idea what to do with them anymore.

You make a tempting offer

All of them with writen “respect” “thank you” ect on every single box too.

better than the typical american reaction

Our counrty always loves to complain but then complains more and hordes supplies and tries to take advantage of people in times of crisis

like people will buy all of the hand sanitizer from stores and online and resell them at jacked-up prices.

it’s really fucked up

Some guy bought 1700 bottles (maybe 17000 I forget) and tried to sell them on amazon and eBay. They shut him down and now he has a shit ton of hang sanitized and nothing to do with it

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But like the amount of unity Poland shows is just amazing.

Young people are doing volounteer shopping for older ones, so they won’t have to leave houses.
Meanwhile older ones are sewing protective masks and suits for medical workers.

Goverment itself had a great idea of renting people from most affected buisnesses (theaters, cinemas, ect), they cover theirs wages and in exchange those people sew protective gear for exports in europe.

Country earns something, buisnesses don’t have to pay wages so are protected from crisis and people have somethign to do in home, so won’t have to leave.

That’s the like literally a single best idea how to protect country form economic crisis.

Would those actually do anything though

Yeah, they do actually.

It was my understanding that the cheaper masks (not the surgical masks) mostly only help if you are infected and don’t really help you not get it

I mean they won’t be good for entering a room with CoViD person, no.

BUT they allow hospitals for every-day functionality after all magazines were stripped clean of them.

People wanted to have own masks, sure.
They bought them out and it started lacking ones for hospitals day-to-day stuff?
Let’s make more then!


Ahhh, that’s what their going to be used for.

Neither cheaper nor surgical protects from CoViD.
We got special plastic ones.

However they are useful in wider-scale due to filtring 90% of air water and CoViD transmits via them.

So… ehhh… Yes and no?

It’s not 100% good protection, but on population scale it does reduce the risk?