Pokémon - Roleplay Thread

  • “Yeah,” he said. “I named him Squirt for short. Is that your Pancham?” He asked.

“Ya, isn’t he such a cutie? He loves Karate chopping people”, Manthis says as her Pancham goes over to James and chops him.

James jumped back. “Yeah, well, I don’t like being Karaté chopped,” he gives a short laugh. “You want to go get some food?” He asks, eyeing the Pancham.

Sammy closed his eyes, savouring the taste of the peaches. He resolved to get some more to give to his Eevee.

“We were just about to go get some food. Lead the way!”, Manthis smiles as her stomach growls.

Connor woke up from his Nap with the eyes of someone who hadn’t slept in 3 days. “Man I need my coffee, this is why I should never fall asleep…”

Of course Connor just woke up, he has been sleeping don’t worry.

Connor sat up as he looked around his room, he mumbled to himself “Man… we have school tomorrow, atleast I may be able to make some new friends.”

  • “Fantastic,” James smiled. He picked up his Squirtle, which gave a contented smile. “The Community Kitchen would be open,” he said. “Come on.”
    *He began to walk down the street with Manthis.
  • Connor’s room was tidy, by standards. His Psyduck was sleeping at the foot of the bed.

Connor looked down at Psyduck and smiled. Connor snapped out of his sleepy mood and softly said to his Pokemon “Hey buddy, wake up. It the last day of the holidays before school.”

Manthis and James reached the kitchen. “Finally, I’m starving so much”, she says. They go in and look around to see where the food is.

  • Psyduck woke up. It waddled around to Connor.
  • There was warm food and fruits. James noticed Sammy and nudged Manthis.

Connor walked to his door and exited his room as he calmly instructed Psyduck to follow. “Man I’m starving, we better go get something to eat.”

Manthis got startled by the nudge. “Huh?”, She says.

Sammy looked at James and Manthis staring at him and felt defensive. Who were they?

  • Psyduck followed Connor.
  • “Look,” James said. “Another student. I think it’s the Eevee kid.”

Connor felt a surge a happiness for a stupid reason, “Time to make some new friends!” Connor walked to the kitchen.

“Oh. Ya, he has an Eevee!”, she continues while shouting for the Eevee kid, “HEYYYY! WHAT’S YOUR NAME?”

  • Connor tripped over as he walked outside.