Pokémon - Roleplay Thread

(Got to go, won’t be back for a while.)

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  • The boy turned around and slammed Connor into the wall. Psyduck yelped. The boy leaned in so no one else would hear. “I’m not looking for friends,” he said. “Keep your head down, and maybe no one will bother you.” Then he released Connor. He walked towards the auditorium.
  • Sammy saw a boy with messy brown hair enter the auditorium. He had a Pikachu on his shoulder, tail shaped like lightning. He took a seat two rows from Sammy.

Sammy gave it a few minutes, before saying, “Hey there,” to the kid. His Eevee jumped up on the seat beside him. “I’m Samwise,” he introduced himself.

  • “What?” He asked, distractedly. “Oh, i’m Magnus.” He shook hands. “You’ve got an Eevee.”

“I do,” Sammy nodded.

  • “My sister has an Eevee,” Magnus said. Sammy wasn’t sure if he were serious.

Connor comforted his Psyduck, “Well, we better get going.”
Connor didn’t think much of what the newcomer did, he probably didn’t want his reputation spoilt
Connor instructed his Psyduck to follow him as he made his way to school.

  • The older kid pulled Connor over. “Your application form?” He requested.

Connor handed over his application forms.

  • He examined it. “Okay, you’re in Class V. Go in there and find a seat.” He pointed towards the auditorium doors.

“Thank you.” Connor headed into the auditorium with his Psyduck, he went over to join class V, when Connor arrived he looked around for some open seats.

  • About half the auditorium had open seats.

(Sorry, i better make a correction)

Connor looked around for Sammy, he wanted to sit near him.

  • There was an open seat next to Sammy.
    not that you know his name.

(Very true)
Connor went to sit next to Sammy a boy he briefly saw at the community kitchen yesterday. Psyduck followed him.

  • Psyduck had difficulty getting up the stairs.

(Watch the seat next to Sammy be taken)

Connor walked back down the stairs, Connor was regretting his decision about getting a Psyduck
Sigh Connor picked up Psyduck with both arms before proceeding with his previous action.