Pokémon - Roleplay Thread

“Okay, okay. Let’s go outside” Manthis said to her Pancham. She started walking towards the door with Pancham on her shoulders

  • Most of the Villagers had been forced indoors by cruel weather, but there were a few people. Manthis saw a boy with a Squirtle happily trotting after him.

Manthis quickly ran towards him. “Heeeey!!!” She shouted at him. While running, she tripped over a small rock going face first into a puddle

Sammy left his Eevee indoors and went outside after reading the form. He was hungry.

  • “Whoa!” The boy exclaimed as he helped Manthis up. He took a handkerchief out of his pocket and handed it to Manthis. “To wipe off the mud,” he explained. “I’m James,” he introduced himself.
  • The community kitchen was open.

“Oh…thanks. I’m Jessi…I mean, Manthis. I’m Manthis. I don’t know what happened there.” Manthis says while getting up. Mathis cleaned some mud off. Then she picked up Pancham and put him back on her shoulder.

  • “You tripped,” James said helpfully. “Over that rock.”

Sammy walked into the Community kitchen and grabbed some peaches. He bit into one as he took a seat, glad for shelter from the rain.

“Thanks for pointing out the obvious”, Manthis said laughingly. She hands the handkerchief back. “Are you going to the Silver Sea training school tomorrow?” She asked James.

  • “Oh yeah, definitely,” he grinned. He was wearing a zipped gray jacket and jeans, and his golden hair was wet and flat. “Are you?”

“Of course. Is that your Squirtle?” she askes while she reaches for him.

  • “Yeah,” he said. “I named him Squirt for short. Is that your Pancham?” He asked.

“Ya, isn’t he such a cutie? He loves Karate chopping people”, Manthis says as her Pancham goes over to James and chops him.

James jumped back. “Yeah, well, I don’t like being Karaté chopped,” he gives a short laugh. “You want to go get some food?” He asks, eyeing the Pancham.

Sammy closed his eyes, savouring the taste of the peaches. He resolved to get some more to give to his Eevee.

“We were just about to go get some food. Lead the way!”, Manthis smiles as her stomach growls.

Connor woke up from his Nap with the eyes of someone who hadn’t slept in 3 days. “Man I need my coffee, this is why I should never fall asleep…”

Of course Connor just woke up, he has been sleeping don’t worry.

Connor sat up as he looked around his room, he mumbled to himself “Man… we have school tomorrow, atleast I may be able to make some new friends.”

  • “Fantastic,” James smiled. He picked up his Squirtle, which gave a contented smile. “The Community Kitchen would be open,” he said. “Come on.”
    *He began to walk down the street with Manthis.