Pokémon Roleplay [Interest Check]


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101 times*

You said

never said if u wanted me to finish it tonight or not /shrug

and there was never a guarantee xD

sorry, but i will try to finish it soon i guess?

The Roleplay Thread is open.
So the Sooner the better.
Pinging Minho on Steam real quick.


Jessie and James bois

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As I’ve said before, all names relating to people are entirely coincidental.


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Even Magnus.

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shit now that ppl are actually talking there i gotta finish my cs


Magnus, you forgot about Minho

No I didn’t.

Ya you did. Or did you?

I didn’t, trust me.

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i should’ve made a jerkish character idk if we have any particularly mean chars here

if u think it’d make for a better story or whatever i can make a new one instead, up to you guys

not gonna go to the community kitchen or anything cuz i don’t think that’s something my character would/could do rn

maybe if there’s a diff setting later or when the school starts, then i’ll introduce them

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Go to school mate.

You too @GamerPoke