Pokemon Showdown Casual League Week three

then you have the advantage of information


The point of confirm mainboarding is seeing your opponents team beforehand is little help when your team is confirmed

Mole if u leak my team u legit make me prone to my whole team getting wiped by a single type

But everyone else will be locked into a team for the whole season

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this is the whole point of a league lol

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If someone has team that thrashes yours - it probably won’t be balanced and struggle to win elsewhere

Honestly some of my best Pokémon memories and internet memories in general come from staying up late with friends in voice chats and the like, scheming up ways to counter people in leagues

Except some heat is all I’m sayin

I mean, I left it open for you guys to tweak you Evs between each match and move sets. You are allowed to surprise people if you want.

Mole how about we keep subteam private until battles and the mainteam public :wink:

That would be neat and all, but then it would be hard to stop people picking the 3 pokemon best for the opponent, not the league challenge.

Thats the point but they would have to expect what pokemon before they lock in their sub-group

Mole, I might join in around six hours. I have a plan.

Can you give me a teamsheet?

Mole abuses me

…I still have to make the team.


What a surprise.
Mole, keep your shadow on a leash.

I get that deciding Ivs etc will take a while, but do you not know the pokemon you want?

I do.

I only need to know the pokemon - the rest is private info