Pokemon Showdown Casual League Week three

Oi mole

My team is stronkz

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@Moleland would you rather me send u account now or send you the team in an hour

Lemme eat
Then team sheet

@Moleland Send me a DM pls

why not the Fireous FireKittens Littens?

Because literally every Pokemon would be Litten. Just having that person as a name will force it to happen.

if you pick that as your team name i promise i probably won’t try to kill you in my next FoL game

@Nerbins if you want to submit a team in case someone can’t register fully in time, that would be great

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I feel like thats directed to me

You’ve got about 11 hours to submit teams before the first match starts. I suggest you guys get on with it

@Htm, @wolfy, @Sam17z, @orangeandblack5, @Braixen

If you guys don’t submit a team, you automatically lose the first battle in your match. Just a FYI

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Not gonna have timw to make my team and wverything with how busy i am. If anyone wants my spot, they can have it. I’ll stay on as someone to battle for fun when I can, but in twrns of tournament, nope

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@Nerbins get over here

That may be my only option I’m about to go to sleep for at least 9 hours

Not sure if I want to participate.

You just have to name your pokemon now… don’t have to decide anything else

:frowning: :frowning: why doe

Moleland, can you make the team sheets public?

I will do when they are all submitted

I request my team not be made public

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