Pokemon Showdown Casual League Week three



Challenge me please.


I’m orangeandblack5

You are?


My favorite part was when I baited orange to toxic me.

I wasn’t challenged.
Game name’s CaptainNerbins.

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FEAST your eyes on the BEAST

@moleland check this out. Slaughter house imo. Game 2. Game 1 was even

I won!

Yeah I forgot about contrary and then didn’t expect the 1 HP hang-on

gg Sam I always knew you’d destroy me lel

First game only went so well because the Red Card offed your Serperior

Hate that thing

Good game dunno why you did spikes + poison spikes in game 1 imo you would have won if you didnt do that. Either do it early game or dont do it. It is not worth 2 turns late game

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What if I told you that Greninja was set up purely as a spike setter from before :thinking:

So why didn’t you do it?

I forgot :thinking:

Also starting Mamoswine went REALLY well