Pokemon Showdown Casual League Week three

That was fun.

@Marluxion can avoid coming last by beating Eevee

Wait Nerbins isnt in last place? Who did he beat?

Marl conceded their match

Nuuu ;(

So wait, I should be first in the table… YAS!

Assuming you beat marl

that tho?

To Captain Nerbins, not uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

OH, wait what.

wasn’t Marl supposed to play vs me?

Yes, he’s needing to play you. I was answering Sam’s question

I concede again :clap: not enough time sadly


eevee win (\ o /)

Fact that I had no eevee in my team is sad tho.

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With our 4 Playoff teams decided I have a question. Shall we allow team alterations for the Playoffs?

  • No Subs at all
  • Partial Subs (IE: 3 in total)
  • Unlimited Subs (Including Optional entire Team changes)

0 voters

@eevee has the deciding vote

No subs!

What if you can sub out the sideboard mons?

:octopus: We’ll see