Pokemon Showdown Casual League Week three

Lol, get rekt sam

@Margaret you should get a type chart my gal

That gorybiss shell smash sucked

I just beat Celeste like 5 times to 0 loses

My team of rotoms will crush you all!


No proof

I won twice my dood

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Anybody want to play some?
I’m bored, wouldn’t mind showing a couple chums the ropes

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I’ll play

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I won the first and last game - in hilarious style

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mole was bringin actual digimon into these matches man
dont tell me psychic floating hand isnt a digimon
i wont hear it

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Am I not allowed to join wtf?

I think he’s waiting for you to submit a team name

like the Braixen Blazikens or something

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@Moleland i think he already submitted this as his name actually

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I still need a team sheet tho

any of you nerds wanna get beat by my team?

I will :thinking: