Pokemon Showdown Casual League Week three

What why do you need a team sheet? No honesty rule? And wouldnt you know our pokemon in advance to counter us?

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So we canā€™t swap out mid league.

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Also if everyoneā€™s mons are publicly revealed before we begin, it makes it fair

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My team is so bad that its sad if its public

So lets not tell our team publicly but only to ze god

Hi, how ya doinā€™?

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Mole, will there be another one of these?

After stopping the memes i have been equally matched against moleland good complement for me. Molelandā€™s team is op

What a surprise.
Oh hey, grass is green!

Moleland actually knows the generations. His team is unmatched (besides mine of course)

Hey, so do I. I still suck at the games, but I know the generations.

I will probably, @Nerbins if you are interested (and up to 3 others) Iā€™m willing to do like a relegation thing too.

@Sam17z sent a challenge

I have both Sun and Moon, but all my stuff is on Sun. I typically prefer Showdown, though.
Can you host a random Showdown thing, eventually?

Nerbins you wanna battle?

Possibly. Itā€™ll take a while to set up my game, though.
Does it all have to be from Sun, or can I just make Pokemon with showdown?

Mole, is your Username Moleland?
And is your Elo for gen7ou 1171?

Sounds about right

The bolded teams have submitted valid teamsheets

Iā€™m going to send the teamsheets soon

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