[poll] So... do you stay if you're killed early?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Yes, if there is Priest
  • I am evil

0 voters

Depends on if I’m BD, neutral or unseen/cult
As BD I always stay

Only if i’m BD and i think its a good idea to revive me.

Always. Leaving is for nerds.

Depends on how my previous game went, but I always stay if evil


Yes because I like receiving GP

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I like watching the whole game play out, you also learn as you go

Yes, unless im neut, didnt win and killed first couple of nights.

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I usually stay . unless I am a neutral

@JCosi Could I have made the poll better if I added neutral?


or something

45 GP isn’t so bad to 75 GP

My problem is how much I care about the result.

When game is 4 or 5 turns in and I die I am more likely to see it out as I have more interest on the story

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Says Unseen/Cult.

I leave if I die first night or was a neutral killer.

It is distinct if you’re neutral (and not won as fool etc), because you have no investment in what team will win. In my opinion they leave more often when killed than BD/unseen/cult.

I’ve been staying, but I’m new to the game and still learning. So I look at it as a learning opportunity.

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Dude if you in my match and im BD.Here is my strat to let BD win.If your purple/red tell everyone who is purple/red.And BAM Bd win. EZ BD win right?Totally legit strat and 10-12 people will love you while 2-4 people might hate you.But its all for more people win right?
People will love your sacrifice.This is a 100% approved by the BD.
(We dont talk about how the unseen/cult feels bc they are irrelevant)

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I generally stay until the next BD dies. That way I can give the psychic any extra info I have, and physicians will have a reanimate target if they decide to use it early.